Right now my girlfriend is going through some very difficult personal issues, and as much as I'd like to be there for her, I'm at university about 3000 miles away. Thank God for cell phones (I can't write letters worth a damn and she doesn't have email - don't ask how that works). The thing is, neither of us are good at talking about personal issues on the phone, and this particular thing... let's just say that it's hard enough to discuss in person. How can I convince her to share more with me over the phone, or should I even try? I may not get to see her until summer, is the thing.
well, long distense relationships r SUPER hard 2 keep.
nxt time u speak 2 her on the phone & be4 the akward silences start kicking in be like
"look, i RLY want 2 help u out. but 2 do so we need 2 talk about it. its just as akward 2 talk about this in person so either we can talk about it now or I'll just hang up"
or something 2 that affect
Since she doesn't even have E-Mail, I guess MSN Messenger + Webcam or something like this are not an option, if they are though, try that. If you can see the other person, talking instantly becomes more personal.
Yeah, those aren't an option unfortunately. I'd thought of that already. :( We have camera phones, but MMS is expensive and eh... you can't stream video, and she's tech inept (I don't think she knows how to send text messages)... Thanks though.
Seriously, that the hell are you smoking? Also - after a year and a half I've kind of noticed that the relationship is hard.
Learn how to write, fagggot.
>I may not get to see her until summer
then wtf are you thinking about?? find someone else, or better, study up so you can graduate.
probably u dont have to talk so directly on her issue. maybe u can just talk to her about joyful things such as ur next visit in summer or things like that. just try to make her happy.
yeah, I kind of agree. If it's so difficult to talk about those personal issues on the phone, then try to make her last till you are able to see each other
If communication in any form is difficult you are going to have to rethink the relationship. Communication is the MAIN thing keeping you two together. If you cant even talk on the phone and encourage each other or even open up to each other then maybe you two need to let the relationship sit on the shelf for a while. If yall need to be face to face to work things out then really dont stress the relationship by not being able to talk on the phone. It isnt the media to which you use to communicate it is the problem between both of you that you cant full talk to each other and open up to each other. Have her move to where you are, break off the relationship or find a better medium to where conversation is flowing unhindered. I see no reason why she cant have an email address unless she is out in the country, cant afford interent service...public libraries have them available to the public. If she hates computers then a pen and some paper is your next step. If you are failing on the phone then you really dont have anything else to use to talk to each other with. Be straight forward with her. Tell her to be straight forward to you about this relationship ans see how it can be fixed.