Question from a hikikomori to hikikomoris (130)

120 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-27 01:07 ID:XpEsLpOQ

1) How did you end up as a hikikomori?

Severe abuse throughout my childhood. There was no safety for me, nowhere, but for the times I chose isolation and was by myself.

2) For how long have you been a hikikomori?

on and off, in varying degrees for 24 years now.

3) How severe is your hikikomori condition?

Relative isolation to complete isolation. Pretty damn serious.

4) How can you afford the hikikomori lifestyle?

Money came my way.

5) Why do you continue staying as a hikikomori?

I can't blend in with normal people, it hurts too much on the inside.

6) If you have successfully escaped your hikikomori lifestyle, what where the events that lead to that?

I don't see that happening.

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