jesus i'm fat (18)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-03 21:28 ID:AlIeu7sT

I'm pushing 330 pounds. Lately I've been having pains on the left side of my chest, a bad ankle exascerbated by my weight and being a pronator and finally a trick back that gives out in stressful situations.
I really want to lose weight but I don't know the first place to start. Is wanting to lose a pound a week too optimistic? My eating habits are shit and I don't know what I can eat throughout the day to raise my metabolism. Prior attempts at weight loss have only served to lower my metabolism with only a single meal each day. Fortunately I am lactose intolerant which cuts out one of the primary sources of fatness.
Right now I figure if I can get down to 250 then I'll feel better about myself and feel like I'm in better health.

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