I'm depressed. (14)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-19 18:17 ID:6IeR/wLq


>Step 3hree: laugh at everything. everything is weird and funny. love it all.

This bit wears on me. I just get all stressed because I don't spontaneously laugh at everything. Seems forced. It doesn't come naturally to me the way you say.

>if someone makes you feel like shit, chances are you don't need them.

Is that just cognitive self therapy (ie. basically lying to yourself in order to be happy, which sort of seems like escapism, which is kind of the problem that hikkis have) or does everybody in the world just ignore it when a large percentage of the people they meet are telling them how useless and low they are (basically me in highschool)? Seems a bit boneheaded to think "OH I NEVER NEEDED THEM ANYWAY!" when they likely had a fucking point. Seems a bit ignorant and self absorbed to think the way you suggest.

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