what the hell is wrong with me..? (looking for answers, not sympathy :p) (25)

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-18 09:57 ID:cYPiNemY

>>23, stop feeding cam/attentionwhores or this place really will turn into /b/. OP is a hypocrite right from the very start.
First post she says:

>i`ve tried cutting back on that but i still feel so ugly

Posts myspace with several camwhore looking pictures

Then she gets criticised:

>I can't really say that you seem to have any insecurity about your looks. If you really thought you were ugly, then why the several cam-whore looking pictures of yourself? Methinks this is a thread is a sympathy thread.

She backpedals:

>Alrighty, first of all I never said I thought I was ugly..

What, what? Say that again? First of all, you did clearly say that.
Second of all, if you didn't think you were ugly, and this wasn't a sympathy thread, then why the fuck post the pictures of yourself? (Which I might emphasise, are very camwhore looking.)

I'm with >>22 on this one.

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