going to japan after graduation (68)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-21 22:32 ID:TKG6To+e

hi all. i need your suggestions/opinions/advices for the following situation. i am basically what you'd call a nerd, i like manga and anime, and i have been teased and made fun of being of that too. people can be cruel.

but i have been planning to go to japan as soon as i graduate since i started high school, and i will graduate next year, so i am really excited.

i have about $4000 in my savings account, and i plan to get a job when i get there, so i won't run out of money. then for once i will not be teased and made fun of just because i like what i like.

i am thinking about staying in the tokyo area, because it is the capital and i should find jobs easily. it's going to be hard, but i believe that i can do it.

i can't wait till i'm out of this hell hole. have any of you had similar situations? also, are there cheap apartments for rent for people like me? thanks

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