I'm depressed... (18)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 05:18 ID:1V9dy2OY

>>8 is right, but you don't have to stop liking anime/manga, or whatever your main otaku interest is. New hobbies are a great idea, preferably something that improves you as a person (sports, music, whatever).

Some things to do to make you feel better are

  1. Groom yourself and give yourself a nice little makeover. It is the inside that counts, but if you look nice on the outside, you are sure to take pride in it.
  2. Talk to people. Talk to your friends, your old classmates, parents, family, anything. Interaction is always great.
  3. Set up things to do, and do them with enthusiasm. I personally hate thinking about have to do thing, but when I do them, I always feel great.

Just some tips, use or don't.

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