a hikikomori in my own heart (24)

1 Name: alone : 2007-07-10 01:53 ID:1jg1oZr+

Hi. Like any other, socially versed 16-18 year old, i love hanging out with my friends, and I've got a large circle of them. But somewhere along the line, i feel(and have been feeling lately) a sense of social entrapment. Why? I don't know. It's not depression. With depression, you're miserable all the time. With me, i'm miserable sometimes, but apathetic most of the time. Everything I do is worthless. I have no skills, and nothing cool or good about my personality. I'm usually quiet, and don't have much to say, so i come across as kinda awkward around people. When my friends make fun of me, for sucking at video games/picking up girls/anything, I laugh it off, but deep down i just feel like shit. I have no skills at all, and i'm super shy; sometimes it just kills me.

Has anyone here felt so awkward, so worthless, to the point of seeing themselves as "inert".

That's why i feel like shit. But i'm shit without an odor. No one really notices me, or cares about me. Everytime i try to engage someone sincerely, to talk about what i really feel, my friends just laugh it off. That's why i feel trapped. That's the kind of hikikomori i am.

Anyone else ever felt that?

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