Argh... this is driving me nuts. (19)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-22 00:36 ID:Heaven

i have never taken an IQ test before but i have worked alongside some educational psychologists & grad students. at the time i was studying probability and statistics. what i noticed was that:
educational psychologist != scientist

i concluded that what these tests actually observe are dysfunctional characteristics that can be beneficial in society, if that makes sense.
if you've ever seen a squirrel eating a nut in the grass, then you've probably noticed him bobbing his head up and down almost frantically keeping watch for predators. the squirrel does not focus entirely on his food. the squirrel divides his mindshare to a multitude of behaviors that are meaningful, continually.
however, if a squirrel could focus entirely on eating nuts, then that squirrel would be special. that squirrel would also be dead unless kept caged.
beautiful minds are continually running multiple processes in perpendicular dodecahedron hilbert space, seeking connections between them. they can never stop and run a single process for the sole purpose of a score, ever. but how can i put my penis in a vagina?

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