anyone else annoys with the japanese club you have at school? (37)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-23 03:14 ID:l3F/IV9P

i am studying japanese in school because i just think it is a beautiful language and sounds very nice. earlier this year i went to a japanese club meeting to check out what's going on, thinking that i'd join too. but then all the people were talking about were anime and jpop, and i wind up not joining. i mean, i know they are part of the japanese culture, but geez, do they have to make it as all the club is about? god forbids if they actually talk about stuff like history or the language itself

so is anyone else annoy with their japanese club and not join, despite the fact that they are learning japanese themselves?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-23 05:02 ID:/eWtXmrn

there's a anime club at my school i decided to check it out because i saw a cute girl in there. when i went in the room had a funky smell also it was full of weeaboos every single person there were ugly except for the girl i saw. no one there was even japanese or close to actual Asian they were all Filipino.i tryed talking to them but they would always bring up anime related shit. They were also nut hugging Japaneses culture like Japaneses people are perfect human being and gods, all lunch period. i ended up leaving the room and never came back.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 04:25 ID:CGNGacYV

I have it in myself to create an Anime group but... Anime isn't my thing. I wish i could make one for people like you two though. Must be harsh.

But that's ok, try to understand that not everyone is able to understand the Bible, and that the ones profiting from it, aren't necessarily the ones comprehending it right, but the ones not profiting aren't the ones getting it right either.

You never know, so you simply must believe in what you believe, and create it, create what you wished for that Anime Group Who Turned Out To Be Filled With Weeaboos to be.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-24 15:28 ID:Dbx7iXCW

i used to be vice prez at the anime club at my high school i just graduated. best to be in a position of power at these things, so u can beat the shit out of anyone who tries to make it into an "Anime Group Who Turned Out To Be Filled With Weeaboos", it was awesome.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-25 03:50 ID:lpxTaVg8

I was a Japanese club officer and the founder of Anime club and I hated them. Every last one of them who wasn't already my friend was a terrible weeaboo. Our club sponsor took away nearly all my power, and I couldn't just kick people out of the club because I didn't like them. Really it was worse then you could have possibly imagined, people with no taste at all, people who complained about my insistence on watching only subbed anime, people who were "random", people who couldn't shut up, and slowly but surely any half decent human being who showed up for the first meetings never came back.

In short: Anime/Japanese clubs suck, even if you have a lot of friends who are into it and think they will show up, you are dead wrong.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-25 15:53 ID:Heaven


Being in positions of power DOES help things.

I've come to accept these Anime/j-pop fans/clubs as a simple reality. Anime continues to gain popularity is the US, right?
There's no avoiding such people, especially at school clubs and functions.

There will always be otaku, people looking for Asian dates, and people who want to be Asian at these clubs.

I think the lines between "Obsessed with [Asian Country]" and "Academically Interested in [Asian Country]" are blurred, though. I've never met someone who seemed 100% "normal" (ie, not obsessed with anime, not overly interested in X-Japan) who was studying Japanese. Never ever. Except a couple kids who were half-Japanese and wanted to get closer to part of their cultural identity.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-25 17:14 ID:PD6oPXgq

Anime clubs a joke filled with weeaboos, fangirls, and fanboys which if they allow food reek of sushi and they have extremely poor manners not to mention their hygiene is atrocious.


8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 06:22 ID:aKshZ0Rm

Our Japanese Club was actually quite interesting. It's the biggest Club in our school, with around 80 members. We would do random things like DDR, Anime, Movies, Food, learning Japanese slang or funny words to say, Go, fashion, video games, origami, parties, and some other things.

What made each year for me was partly due to my friends being in the club. Also, every year we looked forward to students from our sister school from Japan come to our school. The week they spent at our school would always be the best week of that school year (for me at least).

The club was pretty diverse; some were louder than others, so more "otaku-ish" than others. They seemed pretty normal to me.(but that could be because I might be one too...)

We would sometimes talk about history, but usually that would be part of another meeting. I don't think many would be interested if the club was based mainly on history and language. Was that what >>1 was talking about? Or did you mean it was strictly anime and jpop?

Only anime and jpop would get tiring after a while, but you can always become an officer and help plan the meetings, or at least give suggestions to the current officers, right?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-29 10:50 ID:nzypuWJH

i think the japanese club at my school right now is really fun.
instead of spending all our time on anime (we'll watch some) we'll watch drama's, play shogi, go, DDR, talk a little about pop culture and fashion, and dance. that was the best part. we would learn japanese dances, such as Soran Bushi (Fishermans Dance).

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-29 16:47 ID:Heaven

>>9 OMG weeeaab...

11 Name: 8 : 2007-07-30 00:53 ID:aKshZ0Rm

I think >>9's Japanese club sounds good. I think the Japanese dances are fun to learn. Wish we would've done that in my school.

The only problem with that is getting someone to teach the dances. >>9, how did you get someone to teach you the dances?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-30 01:18 ID:nzypuWJH

>>11 our teacher, she was born and raised in japan, so she came knowing a few from several festivals, also, she still has connctions in japan so she's up to date on everything. one of her friends flew over an taught us.

>>10 fyi, i'm full japanese. okasan and otosan both born in okinawa.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-30 07:17 ID:xKudCMIw

>>9 Sounds a lot like the Japanese club at UF. I've explicitly avoided the club because the majority of kids in my Japanese class were in it and I couldn't stand any of them in that sort of context (the two J-rock fangirls were the worst, they were stuck up bitches in class because they think listening to Dir en Grey makes them special and thought they knew everything about Japanese already when they really, really didn't; everyone else was a bit more understandable in that most were in the just-discovered-anime-and-is-mesemerized-by-it stage, but still not the kind of people you want to go to anything Japan-related with).

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-30 08:35 ID:nzypuWJH

yea, luckily for the first week of the club every year we make there be like... 4 manditory meetings where we actually learn japanese, like grammer, hiragana, katakana, kanji, and if you dont go to at least 3 of them (w/o an excuse) you cant join the club. it helps a lot, because you can get your friends in by recomending them to the leader (who usually always says yes). it helps to keep the weird people out o.o

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-01 04:42 ID:Heaven

Someone needs to learn a little English before they tackle a second language.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 12:40 ID:zS+Ty5B8

i don't like weeaboos.
can't they have some pride for their own culture? given they're not japanese...

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 13:46 ID:RqJu5ViY

I have pride for weeaboo culture. Weaboos unite!

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 03:07 ID:MW9990IS

haha, yea, especially if they're from America. Go American culture!!

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 13:52 ID:DOLUgYLl

What is American Culture?

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 14:51 ID:A8tXqlwF

A miserable pile of Paris Hilton

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 23:41 ID:dMuQUZUX

I had the same experience at my school. They were watching anime for their daily meetings.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 23:52 ID:CEqM5ROM

>>15 psh, fuck english. I can make it by with what i know. always hated that class and my bitch teacher =P

23 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-07 06:40 ID:g7Q0CHuB


I'm Hmong. Given the fact that Ebonics and being ghetto is absorbed by 95% of my population (excluding myself), I declare you a dumbass.

Anime = That's what most of the idiots think. Japanese is the real stuff.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-17 16:13 ID:iOfAomhe


fuck you. nobody cares what you are. your kind lost their own cultural identity by being ghetto wannabes
pssh ghetto. whatever.

if they're japanese i don't care if they're obsessed with their own culture. just when people who aren't japanese have japanese pride/OTT "japan's the best" crap.
and japan is NOT the best
there is no 'best' in the world
it's all biased

why don't people just watch it at home like all the good little geeks they are

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-17 16:51 ID:HJjlgXLC

I like Japan and all, but I wouldn't call myself an anime nerd.

I mean, I've never watched any of those Shounen animes like DBZ, or Full-metal alchemist, or one-piece, or bleach,naruto, death-note.

I've just watched a few.
Like I like Suzumiya Haruhi no Yutsu, Lucky Star, Azumanga Daiou, ichigo mashimaro, miyazaki, takahata, otomo, kon satoshi, ichigo mashimaro, MindGame, EVA, KareKano.

You know, stuff like that. I'm not an anime nerd. My initial interest in Japan was in its history, like in Kurosawa films. I was a big Kurosawa fan, but I'm such a crappy fan, I haven't even watched all his movies yet.

So anyway, it's good to be a Japan nerd first and an anime nerd second in these sorts of things, since most anime is pretty stupid anyway.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-17 17:17 ID:iOfAomhe

>>25 you seem normal

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-17 22:17 ID:jpLmbtB+

Haha, where I live the only thing in a Japanese club would be sweaty fat kids glued to a tv screen watching anime.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-17 22:36 ID:A8tXqlwF

> Haha

This is not amusing why did you say it

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 02:05 ID:Heaven

You know, you just said you weren't an anime nerd, and you said you didn't watch most of the mainstream anime... (DBZ, Bleach, Naruto, FMA, etc.)

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 09:30 ID:Heaven

why do i sense it's mostly kids posting in this thread?

anyhow, if you're true otaku you'll be too high a level compared with the usual weeaboos you'll meet in real life. leave them alone and join the other real otakus on the internet instead. and remember, you're not a real otaku yet until you perform the sacred journey to the holy land Akiba.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 09:31 ID:Heaven

why do i sense it's mostly kids posting in this thread?

anyhow, if you're true otaku you'll be too high a level compared with the usual weeaboos you'll meet in real life. leave them alone and join the other real otakus on the internet instead. and remember, you're not a real otaku yet until you perform the sacred journey to the holy land Akiba.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-22 18:37 ID:iOfAomhe

why do i sense an idiot double posting?

33 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-22 19:32 ID:Heaven


why do i sense an idiot double posting?

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-22 19:33 ID:Heaven

why do i sense an idiot double posting?

35 Name: TS : 2007-08-23 07:09 ID:pngjoFVF

my parents are fucking strict. can't leave the house, no one's on instant messenger, everyone's out of town, im stuck in my fucking room. what do i do.

i think of things that will make me a better person. for 20 years, i didnt do anything but play video games, watch tv (when it was good), and be on the computer. i didnt know shit. now, i'm learning how to cook badass meals, draw and cg, exercise, etc.

just because you can't be together with friends and the like doesn't mean you can't be happy and prepare yourself for the future.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-08 20:20 ID:kEY7aaNc


37 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-11 01:10 ID:5d10EMrp

Depends what sort of "school" you are in, but many different sorts of J clubs, but the best one is the one you make your own: talk to some Japanese students on your campus. Best approach the ones hanging out by themselves and start a conversation. Lonely being an International student so they'll usually be glad for the company. Most of them are pretty nice so good chance you'll make some good friends. Avoid the ones that hang out in groups: if they don't make any friends, they fall back to hanging out with other Japanese, their English stalls and it's all over for them. If you're in a high school, look around for a conversation club or depending on where you live say hi if you run into one and see how you go.

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