/btard (31)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 09:46 ID:bDnnbYTU

My pathetic confessions:

  • I have spent $400 at a strip club, just to have a woman slow dance with me for 30 minutes. Why? There is no other way I could get a woman in my arms.
  • When I was 16, I had an 'e-relationship' with a girl. I gave her a fake picture of myself because I'm ugly as shit. We had phone sex, a lot. When she wanted to meet me, I got a new number.
  • Whenever I sit next to a hot female on a plane, I pretend to be asleep and rub my leg creepily on hers
  • For the last four years (I'm 19 now) I've been telling my parents that I go out on the weekends. They would give me money (in HS), and I would use it to buy cigarettes (when I turned 17). Otherwise, I would just buy gas and drive around town.
  • Outside my dorm room, girls like to sunbathe (texas FTW). Once, I turned off the lights, lowered the blinds, and fapped to them. (I'm on the 4th story)
  • In high school, I would eat alone in the bathroom. I would go to one of the bathrooms that locks fully, strip naked, eat on the toilet, dance around/do fucking weird martial arts, lay down on the floor with my bare ass on the cold tile, fap, clean up, then peer under the crack of the door
  • Sometimes I call random numbers just to talk to someone. Even saying 'oh sorry, I got the wrong number' is quite a bit of human contact for me.
  • I go to movies by myself, in a theater a few towns over so nobody I know sees me.
  • When I was 16, I went to a psychologist. I lied to him, never told him the truth, and just pissed around. I could have got help, but all I did was lie because it was so much easier.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 10:49 ID:PmHW8gIt

Do you feel better now?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 13:47 ID:Heaven

Prostitution is cheaper than $400, and you get to put it in.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 14:57 ID:Heaven

> (I'm on the 4th story)

Well... did you get a bullseye?

> I would go to one of the bathrooms that locks fully, strip naked, eat on the toilet, dance around/do fucking weird martial arts, lay down on the floor with my bare ass on the cold tile, fap, clean up, then peer under the crack of the door

You're Martin Sheen, aren't you?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 23:40 ID:bDnnbYTU


6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-07 01:24 ID:Gp1L3bCp

Most of them are pretty benign... Everyone does these types of things that noone knows about...

'cept I wish I had that much $$$, I'd spend it on a hooker, and at least get some...

And the bathroom thing... is a bit weird... Can't say that too many have likely done that, or would want to...

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-07 03:03 ID:05MuFkD0

Talking feels good, don't it?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-07 04:31 ID:s1I/JJ0B

Dude, I go to the movies by myself. Going to the movies by yourself is totally legit.

9 Post deleted by moderator.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-09 16:42 ID:665nvus3

no its not lol

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-09 19:07 ID:1Fon0tW/

Nothing wrong with going to the movies by yourself. As for everything else...everyone has weird, even perverted things they do in secret. It may seem like you're the only one who does them, but that's because nobody talks about it. Remember, the most beautiful, mature woman you can think of still takes dumps and masturbates and farts and has pervy thoughts, you know. It's human.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-10 01:43 ID:5EM+xUsK

I feel sad reading this.

13 Name: Verg : 2007-08-10 04:44 ID:XfLZEA4D

While >>11's post was truthful, none of those things that he mentioned are things most of us would like to think about on a consistent basis. For instance, I don't want to be thinking about the fact that a woman may have had a man cum in her mouth while I kiss her.

14 Post deleted by moderator.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-11 19:05 ID:9vUz0vlM


Yes, of course noone thinks about this kind of thing constantly, but that's not really the point that >>11 was trying to make, it's that people all have weird things they do or think about, regardless of how "normal" they may seem...

(And of course, you don't want to be thinking about the fact that the girl you're kissing may have had her last BF cum on the very lips you're kissing right now, but I'm sure the thought does cross your mind at some point, just where else those lips you're kissing have been...)

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-12 10:31 ID:HY8WKzYH


>I'm sure the thought does cross your mind at some point, just where else those lips you're kissing have been...

It makes me disgusted, yet slightly turned on.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-12 14:35 ID:qGKbJatn

good on you for calling the police. i disapprove of 'snitching' entirely, but it's different if someone might be in real trouble. imagine how you'd have felt if you'd been a coward and not called them cos you were scared and then later found outshe'd died or something? the people in your city sound stupid...in some situations, calling the police is the right thing to do.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 01:52 ID:KyV8dh2G

I used to call random numbers to talk to people too...

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 15:29 ID:t++SY9ST

uh guys, this is very old copy pasta from a very old /b/.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 02:23 ID:JNGhk7d7


Not everybody here is actually from /b/, believe it or not. Actually, I'd say a near majority of users here are just weeaboos who want to have a 2ch atmosphere but in English.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 05:55 ID:PIibYobU


22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 07:31 ID:3fXinWzr

>>20 i come here to get away from /b/ to have at least some sort of intelligent conversation or debate.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 08:02 ID:Ak2OKU+G

I'm hard at work to bring /b/ to 4-ch and all of the internet for that matter. Lulz imo are just so much more entertaining than conversations and debates. Unless ofcourse they have lulzy content

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 11:29 ID:3fXinWzr

>>23 lol. lulz should stay on 4chans /b/. i have no problem with this as i am a /b/rother myself. why would you bring the lulz to such an unworthy site?

inb4 bring it for the lulz

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 18:07 ID:KyV8dh2G

Me too pretty much. I discussing things with uninhibited people.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 20:09 ID:Heaven

Just leave. If you want to discuss retarded imageboard culture go to /Net Culture/ or /Internet Addicts/.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 19:30 ID:KODq2ZP+

where do u live ill be ur friend

28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-03 01:27 ID:tdB+CKgo

I lost my virginity to a hooker in a brothel. When I was 16. If there was a way I could prove this to you I would. I am now 20 and haven't got any since.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-03 03:20 ID:PRcxSvnL

dude, what city are you in? maybe one of the other 5 posters on 4-ch would hang out/put up with you.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-04 00:15 ID:3fXinWzr

>>29 lol epic

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-04 08:28 ID:KHng2+zQ

You remind me of myself. I'd love to be around more people like you, because you're like me. I wish I had the self confidence and social skills to make friends though.

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