Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

14 Name: fat otaku chick : 2007-08-22 06:47 ID:eeQWBZLd

>>10... well, i live in australia, and we don't have that drink here, unfortuantely.
Anyway, I have to stay away from stuff like that as i'm an insomniac...another issue I need to get under control to help me live a healthier and happier life...

B-12 helps liquify fat? extremely interesting if it turns out to be true, since i'm a vegetarian and don't get much of it. Could a lack of B-12 in my diet have contributed to my weight gain? I wonder about this, since I was never eating tooo much or unhealthily... well, mostly it's my own fault for having failed to exercise.

13>> Come join me in my quest for... betterness! Thanks for the kind words.
I really will be carefull of the friends I make...i'm all to aware that the world is full of assholes... I think it'll take a long time before I actually meet people that I could call 'real' friends,[a large part of why i have no friends now, is because i refused to keep being friends with anyone i couldn't put in that category] but I'm content to start out with a small selection of 'decent' friends.

I lost another kilo and a half since I started this thread! yay! only like...another 20 to go cries

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