Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

29 Name: fat otaku chick : 2007-08-28 06:25 ID:0GGhqgOu

>>20 Thanks! I live kinda near sydney.

>>21. No. I agree with >>22 here. I'd rather stay in my room the rest of my life than that.

>>23, no!
>>25, maybe it's just cos i'm sleepy right now, but i couldn't make any sense of your post. disabled people are inferior and should die? ?? Anyway, I won't be deterred by negetive peoples like you.

>>27 well, i'm not not like morbidly obese fat! This is the kind of fat that can be lost in a couple of months, with hard work. I'm doing well so far.

Thankfully, my face isn't a problem. It's a really nice face, so ugliness isn't an issue, just fatness.

I will lose my fat, and be hot again! mwahahahaha!

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