Wish me luck, peoples? (56)

54 Name: fat otaku chick : 2007-10-13 14:49 ID:2666iYhg

progress report:

well, so far i've done ok, but not great. I've gotten somewhat fitter, and have put on some muscle and lost some fat. If i continue on like this, I should be able to reach my goal wieght by christmas. I got some nice new clothes and stuff, and am more happy with my appearance. really i think i should have lost more weight than this by now, but nevermind. I'll get there.

On the social side of things, I've made a little progress. I've made some nice friends online, but none in real life. But, i've been going out of the house and talking to people a lot more, and now my uncomfortableness when socialising is really diminishing, which is a really important thing for me:) In a couple of days, I begin my university preparation course, so i will be interacting with people much more.

I've cut back my time on the computer, and increased the time i spend on other things, like art. I'm still affected a little by the depressing issues of my past, but less so than before. Slowly, i am becoming happier.

>>49 i wish i could afford my own room-bicycle!

>>52/53 thanks for all the advice :)I've done a fair bit of research into weight loss, so don't worry, i'm not starving myself. As for making myself cute- well, I found who i was as a person quite a while back, like myself a lot and think i'm a pretty cute person inside lol, so once the outside matches the inside better, i think i'll be fairly cute ^_^

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