I want to kill my sister, but I can't. Any other ways to deal with her? (77, permasaged)

29 Name: ~Blue : 2007-08-26 04:09 ID:tsDWkeeT

...Um. Okay then. I'll try that once I can get a bell.
Yeah. I've been taking all of your advice considering the show her some discipline thing. I even threatened her with my tennis racket. >.< Worked for a moment, though once I turned my back on her she spat on my door.
Yeah. I agree on the whole, 'she's not crazy, but just a bitch' thing. >.< Though, I think even though she's not crazy, she's a little unstable. More mood swings that a PMSing teenager. I'm scared what she'll be like when she's REALLY a teenager.
Respect from her is non-existent. My parents and grandma don't even have any respect from her. Okay.. Maybe that's probably cause they're so sweet to her. Time to show her who's boss.
Umm.. Ahh.. I'm flattered and all, but I don't think of myself as a price.. And as I asked before.. What the heck is a troll?
...Hmmm. Spiking her food. Sounds okay. As long as it doesn't kill her. (...How do you post pictures here? I thought this was an all text board?)

Thanks everyone. Nice of you guys to reply and all to this topic. >.< At first, I though ALL the posts would involve "rape, rape her" and stuff. But you guys have been pretty helpful.

Though still. Whenever I do something back to her, my parents only get mad at me and when I ask "What the hell! She just attacked me with a fork and I only yelled at her!" they ALWAYS reply, "Look at your age and look at hers."

Really.. A bad deed is STILL a bad deed regardless of the age. It's not like if a 17 year old guy tries to stab a 40 year old guy, the police will get angry at the older man 'just because you're older than him.'

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