I want to kill my sister, but I can't. Any other ways to deal with her? (77, permasaged)

45 Name: ~Blue : 2007-08-29 07:26 ID:tsDWkeeT

Thank you very much! That was actually really helpful of you. Also, thank you much for the compliments. Much thanks. I'll try that.

And to the rest of you, NO raping will happen and I will post NO pics of her. >.< Okay then. I hope you all understand.

Much thanks to all that have given me advice.

Recently, my sister has gone to acting like a baby when she doesn't get what she wants. Crawling around, drinking from bottles, and just watching tv. Hmm.. I don't know any babies that watch family guy. HMMMM.

She's even gone to the extent to crying and whining and rolling around like a baby. Talking fully normally however. Wow.

I'm not gonna be surprised if she starts wetting herself to prove a point.

Damn. I'm getting really sick of her.

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