I want to kill my sister, but I can't. Any other ways to deal with her? (77, permasaged)

56 Name: ~Blue : 2007-09-02 00:27 ID:tsDWkeeT

That is incredibly and most possibly the most inane explanation I have ever read. ...Also. It makes the most sense here. But.. As >>55 stated, it's no reason not to be firm.

And yeah, she did learn it all on Television. I've talked to my parents about cutting her tv off, but she watches it nearly 24/7 anyways. And when they try to, she cries for 4 hours STRAIGHT and they cave.

About criticism, nothing about her really traumatized her. She just REALLY doesn't like being criticized. She just REALLY doesn't like it. I just think it's part of her personality. shrugs

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