I want to kill my sister, but I can't. Any other ways to deal with her? (77, permasaged)

58 Name: ~Blue : 2007-09-02 07:22 ID:tsDWkeeT

But I AM sensitive. I always try to please her, but it never helps. And yes, I do know what pisses her off. Everything. On some level, she can find a reason to cry for anything.

She once cried because she was holding her chopsticks right. Nuff said.

And when I AM nice, she just walks all over me. I've talked with her endless times, but as before, all fruitless attempts.

And trust me. You have no idea how bad she is. I'm not saying she's the annoying little sister. She's worse than that. Even all my friends agree. And some of them have real bastards for parents that used to hit them when they were younger, and they ALL say she's the worst person they've ever met.

If you ever meet her and she gets used to you, you'll be on this same board with the topic, "I just met the worst person in the world!".

T.T I don't like her.

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