I want to kill my sister, but I can't. Any other ways to deal with her? (77, permasaged)

60 Name: ~Blue : 2007-09-02 17:42 ID:tsDWkeeT


My patience with her has LOOONG since been destroyed. I insult her cause I have nothing else to do without snapping and doing something I may or may not regret to her.

She has NOTHING deeper going on. I've watched over her her whole life. And other than being massively spoiled, nothing else has happened to her other than the normal childhood things.

I DO know what's wrong with her. She just doesn't like EVERYONE. I've had over seven years to realize that. You don't think I've thought of those things you said during that time? Well I have. And all have them have died in dead ends.

She's just an incredibly spoiled brat that watches way too much tv for her own good.

What sucks the most, is that when I was a little younger, when I first heard I was going to have a sister, I was in a private school. Every day I prayed that she'd grow up nice, healthy, and sweet. Up to seven times a day. When I woke up, before breakfast, during morning prayer, before lunch, during afternoon prayer, before dinner, and right before I went to sleep.

You know how crushing it is to get HER instead? Very crushing indeed.

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