Approaching Women (121)

24 Name: 10 : 2007-10-01 04:57 ID:0V0dWEVF


So my first guess is Hong Kong. If not, Singapore, because your English is pretty good.

Well. I'm Asian myself, but I grew up in Australia. I don't like to generalise, but my experience with overseas Asian students are that they're pretty quick to judge people. Not to mention they gossip a lot. They can be pretty critical of people they don't know. But I guess you would know more about this stuff than I do. If I were you, I wouldn't do anything that's not true to myself. Don't try to force conversations or friendships, because that's what it sounds like you are doing. If you are comfortable and confident in yourself, people will be attracted to you naturally.

> I usually try to talk about the things that happen to me, but they usually clearly show a WTF look on their face.

I can't think how this would happen. Unless you randomly barged into their conversation or something.

Recreational sport is actually a great way to start friendships. As long as you're competent at it.

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