Approaching Women (121)

62 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-31 03:52 ID:JPA+c4Gc

>>60 >>61

Do you talk to those people in real life in the same way you try to talk to them online? It's weird to have a conversation with somebody online when you wouldn't have it face-to-face. Don't try to use online conversation as a crutch when "real life" conversation isn't going as planned. Personally I don't add people to my MSN unless I'm already pretty well aquanted - as in, I can chat to them about anything and online is just an extension of real-life/phone convo if i cant actually be in contact via those methods.

Also, on a slightly different note

When talking to a girl, try to imagine the things you would talk about with a guy. Obviously steer clear of more "guy subjects" (e.g. boobs or farts or whatever) but just try to think about the kind of structure your conversations with guys have and then see if you can apply that structure (with modification if necesary) to conversations with girls

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