in b4 kill yourself, underage b7, gtfo emofag.
I'm a sophmore in highschool, and I think I may have bipolar disorder. Ever since I was in seventh or eight grade, I'd have quick episodes where I'd get really depressed, would lock myself in my room, wanted to kill myself, etc. They stopped for about a year, and I figured I was just a stupid kid and grew out of it. I didn't even think that I might be manic-depressive until my mother said she feared I was a month or two ago.
Which brings me to where I am now; I think I'm having an episode, this one has been dragging on for about a month. I've been doing really badly in school and at first I tried to do better, but now I feel apathetic and started staying home to avoid it. I have really no social life at all outside of the internet and nothing on or outside of it brings me joy. I'll have hours where I'll sit around and cry with nothing really causing it.
Since 4-ch isn't my personal livejournal, this brings me to my question: how do I get help? I'd talk to my mom about how I'm feeling, but she thinks mental disorders are shameful (she used to use sending me to a shrink as a threat in the past) and I don't want to make her mad. My dad isn't home very often due to work, and I have an older brother but he wouldn't care that my brain is all fucked up. Is there some free clinic I could go to where they'd prescribe me something? I'm really at a loss of what to do.
Go to a fucking psychologist, and he/she will diagnose you if you have a problem
Going to see a mental health professional is not a sign of weakness, its a sign that you know that you need help. I fucking hate the term "shrink" and the negative connotations that come with it.
Honestly, it sounds like you're a teenager being a teenager to me (which isn't really a bad thing). If you're really concerned about it, though, you might inquire about a school therapist and arrange some sessions. Their point of view might be unfairly skewed (or it might not), but the option is readily available in many schools and the price is right.
> Is there some free clinic I could go to where they'd prescribe me something?
Meds won't solve your problems, the current generation of anti-depressants can only alleviate some symptoms of illness (or possibly make them worse).
Medication is more like the crutch for a broken leg than the whole treatment that includes setting, casting, healing, (maybe re-breaking) and physiotherapy.
If you rely on a crutch, you'll never get better.
That said, see your GP and maybe get a referral to a qualified mental health practitioner. Perhaps from there get one-on-one counselling, or join some support group if you need a network to let you know you're not alone.
> Honestly, it sounds like you're a teenager being a teenager to me
Honestly, that's ignorant.
No, it's not. Just because you're uncomfortable with what I said doesn't make it ignorant. In fact, it gives me the distinct impression that I might be onto something. If it sounds to you like I'm writing off or dismissing his problems, then you're clearly not capable of understanding any of the subtext in my post, and therefore you really shouldn't be commenting on it.
>>6: You're an idiot. Now that we've applied unsubstantiated labels to each other for no adequately explored reason, can we actually have a real discussion instead?
Bipolar individuals have both exaggerated lows AND exaggerated highs - typical symptoms of a "high" range from obsessive behavior and hyperactivity to impulsive shopping, not feeling the need to sleep, and even mild hallucinations. There are different types of bipolar, and the severity of the highs and lows varies between the types, but if you don't have high episodes, you don't have bipolar. You may, however, have some other cyclical mood disorder.
Certainly, if you attempt to rely on meds to heal your psychological problems, it probably won't work. Meds are only part of an effective treatment program, which should include major, intentional positive changes in lifestyle, counseling, and possibly other things such as group therapy, dietary changes and even meditation or soothing music. Meds are also worse than useless when the wrong ones are used. That means that a full treatment program requires a competent psychiatrist, a competent therapist, and a patient dedicated to making major positive changes in their life. Unfortunately, that can be difficult with depressive disorders, as depression leaves a person feeling unmotivated and hopeless. Thus, depressed individuals do tend to use meds as a crutch, which is not good.
Suicidal thoughts and crying without reason for hours is not normal teenage behaviour. If you think that the op is just "being a teenager" then you are the one who is truly ignorant, not >>4.
Also, your statement that "Just because you're uncomfortable with what I said doesn't make it ignorant. In fact, it gives me the distinct impression that I might be onto something." is a grievous ad hominem fallacy. Try harder.
First, I don't NEED to try harder, because you're making rash assumptions that are no more substantiated than mine are. I've heard dozens of normal teenagers talk about wanting to kill themselves without actually being truly suicidal. I've been given no indication that this person is an exception, and I'm not about to let him devolve into some emo kid crap just because it's the nice thing to do.
I'll grant you that I don't have any epistemic knowledge of >>1's thought process. On the other hand, neither does anyone else. Maybe he really is suicidal and manic-depressive. However, the available evidence does not support that suggestion in my estimation; at least not yet.
If you'll notice, I didn't say "You ARE a normal teenager," I said, "You SOUND like a normal teenager." There's a huge difference. I also said that he should seek out therapy if this is a real concern of his, and even gave him a couple of cost-effective suggestions. >>4 merely jumped to the conclusion that I was writing him off when I was really just trying to reassure him.
It was also a logical assumption that >>4 dismissed my argument because it wasn't a "nice" thing to say rather than because it lacked merit. Considering the length of his reply to my statement was exactly three words long, it makes real sense that he didn't actually have a legitimate argument to make.
Also, you clearly don't know what an ad hom statement is, or else you would realize that I was responding to one specific person and not making a statement about other people's arguments in general. If someone replies to me with a content-free insult rather than a logical, rational counter-argument, then that gives me to believe that the person disagreeing with me doesn't have a real argument to make and therefore my logic is sound unless proven otherwise. It's common sense.
At any rate, considering my rationale was completely sound in each of my posts (as it continues to be), it's really not a matter of "Trying harder" to push it on people, as you had originally guessed. If you are capable of comprehending what I'm saying without getting all emotional, great. If you aren't, that's fine, too. But the only people that have to "try harder" to validate their arguments are people whose arguments don't make sense in the first place. And for me, that is absolutely not the case. And unless you can show me otherwise (and I'm sorry, but calling me names simply doesn't cut it), then you really have no leg to stand on and should probably just get out while the getting's good.
Your statement was ignorant, and I called you on it.
The idea that teenagers are supposed to be unhappy is prejudice.
sounds like major depression to me, unless you have like the other person said ups and downs. for a period of time, you're either really happy or really irritable (manic) and then really depressed. if you ARE manic depressive NEVER take regular antidepressants. they might work for a while, but in the end, they make everything worse. i don't know of any free clinics, but a psychiatrist can give you free samples. i'd be a manic depressive wreck without my free lamictal and free seroquel
>>11: First of all, prejudice is NOT the same as ignorance. They're not even similar. Second, you haven't explained how what I said is even slightly ignorant. You haven't said word one to support any of the unsubstantiated labels you've been throwing out, so there's really no reason for me to take your word for any of this.
If we're going to have a reasoned discussion on this, then let's have one. If you're simply going to act like a first grader, then I really have nothing else to say to you.
Let's say the situation was reversed. For instance, say that you just gave someone your opinion on something, and I say that you're being racist (or any other adjective with negative connotations). Now, you respond in a very coherent manner, explaining why you're not being racist. Instead of acknowledging your response, however, I simply say that you're a racist again. Does that sound like any form of reasonable discussion to you? What the hell's even the point of having a conversation with someone if all they're good for is name-calling?
So, yeah, if you don't say SOMETHING to back up your ballcrap, I believe we're done here.
It was an ignorant statement, due to your prejudice.
That's not name-calling or taunting, just how I and at least one other person here sees it.
I've explained, and you can either take the lesson with some grace or learn nothing. Your call.
This is the ENTIRETY of your posts regarding my comment:
> Honestly, that's ignorant.
> You are ignorant.
> Your statement was ignorant, and I called you on it.
The idea that teenagers are supposed to be unhappy is prejudice.
You haven't explained jack shit about your rationale. You ARE name-calling (although taunting would be a bit of a stretch, as I don't really think you've been intentionally trying to goad me), and you AREN'T making a sophisticated, reasonable argument.
So, let's try it this way: if you really have a point to make, explain to me what's wrong with what I said, but do so WITHOUT using the words "ignorant" or "prejudiced." If you can really find something blatantly wrong - note that intuitive leaps based on a lack of available evidence isn't wrong in and of itself - you can surely be able to point it out.
And I'd like to point out another thing in your post really quick, because it's clear you haven't quite grasped this concept:
> The idea that teenagers are supposed to be unhappy is prejudice.
I want you to tell me where I said this. Actually, I'll save you the trouble. I didn't. I never said anything of the sort. What I SAID was that he sounded to me like a normal teenager. And in case you haven't realized, that one statement could have any NUMBER of connotations. Instead of asking me to clarify what I meant by that statement (good), you jumped to a conclusion about what I meant (bad), then went on to call me names - which is in the very etymology of name-calling - instead of explaining your problem with my statement (ugly).
I would be more than happy to "take a lesson" from you if you were trying to teach one. But it's clear that you haven't thought that far ahead, and are still reacting on emotion to what I said rather than logic. You disagree with what you assumed I meant, so you have to picture me as the "bad guy" for saying it. As the "bad guy," it doesn't matter what I say to you, because I'm the person that said something you just simply can't agree with. But rather than admitting your intellectual cowardice, you simply repeat the same labels like a hyperactive parrot.
I'm not being ignorant, I'm just living up to my name. You, however, are being deliberately ignorant, because you actively choose to ignore everything I've said to you thus far in favor of your own flawed perspective.
You almost seem to realize I haven't insulted you, but you insist on insulting me.
Emotionally charged words are a funny thing...
> The idea that teenagers are supposed to be unhappy is---
> an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
We're all ignorant, and only when we admit ignorance can we learn anything.
Similarly, everyone is prejudiced.
I'm sure you understand this, being so highly educated in sociology and philosophy as to warrant a title and tripcode to separate yourself from us riff-raff.
To be honest, I mostly use the tripcode as a joke for my more controversial arguments (since, as I mentioned, it's somewhat fitting). I honestly didn't mean for it to be taken seriously, and if it's bothering you, I'll stop using it.
As I said, I in no way meant to imply or say that teenagers were supposed to be unhappy. The actual intent of what I said was that teenagers - in my experience - have a tendancy to exaggerate their emotional problems, especially when looking for a sympathetic (anonymous) ear. That isn't to say that all teenagers do so, or that the original poster himself was doing so. I'm saying that this is what his post sounded like to me.
The reason I took such a haughty tone with you was that you didn't seem to want a frank discussion. To me it looked like you were obsessing over one single sentence of my post, taking it entirely out of context and ignoring everything else. And I'm sure you can understand how exasperating that can be.
And while it is most certainly true that we are all ignorant and prejudiced to some degree, when someone makes the claim that another person is ignorant and prejudiced, it generally takes this into account, and usually implies that the person you're accusing is ignorant and/or prejudiced about a specific thing. Therefore, it seemed more likely that you were making this claim, rather than the general statement that everyone is at least a little bit ignorant and prejudiced.
At any rate, I do appreciate your willingness to explain your standpoint further. If there's anything else that I said that you take issue with, please feel free to point it out, and I'll be happy to listen to your point of view regarding the subject.
OP here again...
Thanks for all of your advice. I brought this problem up with my mom, even though I thought she was going to flip out, but she seemed okay. However, I recently had some troubles with an endocrine disorder I've been treating for a few years, and my doctor switched me onto a higher dose of the hormones she prescribed for it. I've actually been feeling much better since then.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I hope things continue to work out for you.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better OP
I'd just also like to point out that >>8 is a bit wrong. Yes, Manic depressives also can feel extreme highs but there are variations on the whole Bi-Polar-type condtions.
i.e. Clyclothemia (common bi-polar) = Never that high, never that low
Manic depressive = From one extreme high to an extreme low, no normality
Major Depressive Disorder = Mild depression to Extreme Depression
1>> Glad you're feeling better OP.
One thing that helped me immensely, in accepting my problems myself and in communicating these problems to my family and others, is getting a psychological test. The local university here runs them in their Psychology Department; it took a few visits and cost about $120 in all. I took many tests and was given a very comprehensive diagnosis that my family could understand. It also helped me feel better about being such a "failure".
Stick at it, demand help, dont give up.
hello op, i know the manic-depressions stuff kind of good, as my father does have it.
the current generation of meds are on the level where they do not make any major side-effects as the previous ones, so there should be no fear in taking them for long periods of time. (your doctor will know when to switch the medicine for other product (as your body will get used to it and taking too high doeses might damage your health, especially when you are still in teen-age)
so just continue the treatment, and you can keep mind-stable on meds until real treatment becomes available.
only problems with such meds are the "lesser dangerous" side effects such as increased appetite or so, so better build up better self control or you'll be fat and lazy etc etc soon.
good luck op
dude i'm also bipolar and it sucks. i share your pain. :(
You really need to get to a psychologist and get medication. My sister fits the same description as you except she is a freshman in highschool. She attempted to commit suicide and only then was she believed to be bipolar. best of luck.
Lighten up, man. Being bipolar isn't a disease. It's just a state of mind, and trust me, with enough willpower you can drive it away. Teenagers are always prone to this, and most of them overcome it quickly. You rarely see adults in which problems like this persist.
It may seem like you can't escape being bipolar, and that it's a disease you're stuck with, but trust me, it's not. NONE of these supposed mental diseases are so deeply entrenched that they cannot be dislodged by rationally thinking in every situation and an understanding that YOU are in control of your mind.
When I was younger, doctors said I suffered from depression and tried to make me take medication for it. I did some light research into medical depression, and it was pretty clear from the beginning that everything "experts" have written about it is pseudoscience they designed so they can make more money. I then realized that everything depends on how a person thinks, and started to actively stop being depressed. My doctor said his earlier diagnosis was "wrong" when he saw me a few months later.
My experience is different from yours, but it's all the same in spirit. All of this mental shit, it's in your control. Not some doctor's.
That simply isn't true. A schizophrenic cant just think it away. Have you just read a dianetics textbook or something|?
>>1 Apart from the thing about previous episodes, that sounds exactly like me right down to the family thing. Are you sure you're not me?
My problem is I just can't bring myself to think about what I want in life anymore. I used to think a lot and enjoyed philosophy and learning but now I feel like I'm forgetting who I used to be. Everything seems to happen just, well, as it does - I get caught up in drawing and draw for hours and hours and my eyes turn red, and I think I'm really awesome... then for the next 2 weeks I feel like I just want to sink in the bed and don't even want to look at a drawing because I feel like shit.
The problem is I used to help other people who had this sort of thing before by telling them that it's mostly in their mind - they weren't the type who had schizophrenia or severe chemical imbalances, just what would have otherwise been called a "rough patch" in a time before modern psychology. And now I can't bring myself to act out the advice I used to give - it's sometimes as simple as just taking a deep breath, thinking about something else and keeping yourself occupied.
Maybe it's not manic depression, but I think I'm just afraid of admitting my problems (I went to a doctor once and couldn't bring myself to say what my problems were because my mother was with me). And that's the worst thing of all. :(
Is there something like a school counsellor in your school? It might be worth speaking to one, your family doctor or perhaps a teacher you trust. In the UK there is an organization called 42nd Street that helps people with this kind of problems. There are many reasons why you could be feeling the way you do, and seeing a professional might be useful.
You are wrong. Severe and enduring mental illnesses exist and they have reasonable treatments nowadays. This is the reason governments and insurers pay for their treatments.