Intimate Contact (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-25 09:25 ID:undHS7hS

I seem to have an issue with contact with other people. I haven't gone through any traumatic experiences, or anything like that.

I've got a few female friends, and recently a couple of them became on the verge of a little more than friends with me or rather they tried to. It was perhaps the most embarassing and shaming thing that could happen to me when someone tries to kiss you and you flinch like they were hurting you. I don't hate them, I rather like them a lot. But I just can't avoid this?

I've got male and female friends (i'm a male) and it doesn't matter their gender, if they smack me on the back, put a hand on my shoulder, or pat my hip (just examples) I'll flinch. It's sometimes bad, sometimes only minor, but it's really noticable to everyone and sometimes I get wierd looks from the friends in question.

Is there some sort of name for my condition or something? I don't hate physical contact, but it's affected me a fair bit now that some of my friends have picked up on it.

Handshakes are fine, so are hugs (just friendly hello ones). My dad or mum could put a hand on my shoulder and I'd be fine, I just don't seem to like physical contact with other people for some reason.

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