Femenists ruined everything for women!!! (32)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-10 14:15 ID:XsbnYyWC

I didnt really know where to post this, but I felt like ranting about it, so im just posting it here.
Stupid modern society! I just wanna get married to a nice man, pop a couple of babies out, and spend my time taking care of them! But no!!! I am obligated to have a career etc! Unless I expect to marry some super-rich guy, or am willing to settle for the poorer life which would result from trying to support a family on only one income, doing that just isnt an option!
Actually, I don't really want to be a stay at home mother, and i don't really give a shit about marriage etc, it just pisses me off that doing that is no longer a very viable option. I'm not saying I'd like to go back to the dark ages etc though. It just annoys me. Isn't anyone else bothered by this?

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