Femenists ruined everything for women!!! (32)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 03:25 ID:RIjOCbWd

Feminism when done right is awesome. It means having a choice. The traditional stay-at-home mother thing will always be popular and for good reason. There is nothing wrong with that. But it's definitely not for everyone. I know some women who are great at what they do but would make very poor traditional wives. These women can now do what they're best at doing, what they love doing, when they would never even have had a chance before.

For a lot of people the traditional role is right, for the others at least now there is at least the hope of something different. And you know damn well there are people who want to take this away from them. "Back to the kitchen," etc. It's a joke, except not really. The price of freedom is vigilance, and that's why we NEED the feminist activists.

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