Alone and depressed (LOTS OF TEXT) (35)

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 10:05 ID:bPp5RDV8


you are hopefully not a hypocrite and better live up to your words not being selfish and thus helping other people in misery every free minute you got and not only in your! society.

but somehow you got time to talk here about your point of view trying to justify that only your's is right.
you aren't selfish?
than you will obviously share your spare supply with people who needs it etc. etc.
but if you are not doing pls. be quit and don't ridicule yourself further.
however you are not obligated in doing so.

you know that a)enjoying all its benifits in spare and b)taking up resources means that there are exploited people.
the food i ate, where does it come from in the end etc.?
so your superberb society, isn't it exploiting others for its own benifits in the end?
think a little bit further before you wright trying to force your opinion on others.

and still your twang displeases me.

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