is it wrong to not like being around my family? (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 10:21 ID:gsOqQt+y

I just don't like being around them and I prefer to stay in my room. I mean, I have my reasons.

My Dad is full of shit and will often make empty promises. One of many examples, the guy said he would take me practice driving so I can get my license (I'm 19 fucking years old), but he makes an excuse every time. A liar, in other words.

My Mom is fine, but she is really naive. She is often insensitive and brings up my past relationships with people or jokingly insult my clothes or something about me.

And finally, my younger sister (by a year). Like a year ago, I went with one of her close friends and she did everything she could to fuck things up between us, and in the end she did. I really liked her and to think that she would do something like that, I just can't let that go.

I want to just forget everything and start over with them, but I don't know if I can. My sister left her journal lying around and being the curious guy I am, I just flip it open to the latest entry and it's about how much of an ass I am. I don't deny I'm not acting like an ass, because like I said, I have my reasons. I don't know if I can forgive them for some of the shit they did, and I'd much rather just distance myself until I move out.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 14:43 ID:INhPe4bb

I have moved away from my family and have distanced myself from them as much as I could. After I have moved away, they tell me so much how they miss me and every time I go to visit them, I get poured over with shit. So I try to avoid them as much as possible.
And yes, it's OK to dislike your family, when they have fucked you over countless times in the past.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 14:46 ID:JZCqQaCn

Humm,... usually when someone claims all other people are assholes, it's not unlikely that he's the asshole to start with.

Seems to me you are looking for excuses to not like your family, and since it's your family, the people you know the best, and with whom you spend a lot of time, you will never lack of things to hold against them.

I'd suggest that you review your own behavior, try to understand why people behave with you the way they do, and start over in better terms with them.

Otherwise, it's also a good option to move out... Just bear in mind that with your attitude, you will find everyone you meet an asshole. Running away is unlikely to solve a problem you seem to be dragging in your head.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 15:25 ID:X9KkpGYK

It's fine not to like being around your family. Your dad and mine sound very similar with the empty promises... i'm content to see him once a year :) It can be really draining, even depressing to spend much time surounded by people that you don't like as people, even if you do love them as well.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 15:28 ID:ipMBy5Lz

It's absolutely not wrong to dislike your family when you've been living under your parent's roof for 19 years.
Try and get out on your own as soon as possible, it might be the only way you can start over.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 18:37 ID:iOEu7GRG

when we get to be 19 years old we start to REALLY need our own space. it can be very emotionally damaging to have your parents always around. i know that because i noticed the damage that my grandmother caused in my mom. sometimes its not even intentional on their part, they just don't know any better.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 20:53 ID:Heaven

>My Dad is full of shit and will often make empty promises. One of many examples, the guy said he would take me practice driving so I can get my license (I'm 19 fucking years old), but he makes an excuse every time. A liar, in other words.

Sounds like my father, but I don't judge him as harshly as you do. My father actually spends a lot of time working, and is tired a lot of the time, but still tries to do other stuff. However, there's a lot of stuff he ends up not being able to do.

I had worked and bought a used car at 16, and paid for driving lessons. He never had time to help me with the addional hours I needed, so I had to wait until I was an adult. At 21 I paid again for driving lessons and got my lisense... but my car broke from sitting around.

>My Mom is fine, but she is really naive. She is often insensitive and brings up my past relationships with people or jokingly insult my clothes or something about me.

You're too goddman sensative.

>My sister left her journal lying around and being the curious guy I am, I just flip it open to the latest entry and it's about how much of an ass I am.

Well, the fact you read it proves you're an ass.

Anyway, hurry up and make some money and move out.

From when I was a kid I had always planned to move out when I turned 18. However, things didn't go so well, and I couldn't move out until I was 22 (about a half a year ago).

I didn't dislike most of my family.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-27 02:41 ID:irROfyik

Bawww. You're 19, man the fuck up.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-05 08:19 ID:ei0yVt+I

OP, I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel bad that I'd rather not see most of my family, 'specially when it's been awhile. I might make the effort to see them, but then when I end up seeing them more often I'm quickly reminded why I do avoid them. Like you, there is nothing huge wrong with them like drinking problems or being physically abusive. I just can't stand their personalities. The only person I can stand to be around is my mom (but even then she's so busy I rarely see her) and her side of the family, which makes me believe I inherited a lot of her genes... They are not bad people, but I can only take them in small doses. Hang in there, you're not doing anything wrong.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-05 20:38 ID:Heaven

>>hurry up and make some money and move out.

Best solution yet. If you are living with people that you can't stand, even if they're family, it's best to move out.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-18 08:58 ID:ooVy7L7a

>>1 It's fine to not enjoy being around your family, but you should make an effort to understand them and consider what their viewpoint of being around you, their life, etc is. It'll help you in the long run in becoming a person.

Also, don't burn bridges.

Bide your time. Shit sux sometimes with family, btu if I'd have burned all of my bridges as I once planned to, my life would be shit right now.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-22 19:13 ID:ov2lR3NZ

i think i am like you too, i try to get out with friends as much as possible even goes to basketball alone all day just to get out of home,but in the end you got to go back to them some time even a short amount of short you can move out but still family is family you cannot deny that in this lifetime.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-23 18:06 ID:CjU1hRIp

I don't like spending time with my parents.

I'm an only child and the age gap between my parents and i is pretty big.

I'm a completely person around my friends and my girlfriend than with my parents. With my parents, I could pass off as someone with a social disorder. I just play around with my mobile non stop, and only make conversation when required. The only time I participate more actively is when I'm shopping with my mom, and that's only cos its likely she'll pay.

so yeah, I'd rather be alone than with my family most times...

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-23 21:49 ID:+3SkmaLk

I really like my family: I'm only really myself around my family (which is very large and geographically widespread). I don't act like I want to around my friends, and I don't really share any interests with my friends.

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