i have failed (34)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-27 00:26 ID:kVv4JF+R

Kind of hard not to find out that your sibling/parent/child/friend/coworker/roommate/love/lover just took their own life.

Trying, and falling short of a goal, is always better than just giving up.

Fight for what you want out of life; Find whatever motive you need to win.
Do it for those that care about you and want you to succeed,
Do it out of spite for those that want to see you fail,
Do it to give those that need you a better life than you ever had,
Do it for the happiness that you deserve as much as anyone else,
Do it when you're at the bottom because the only place you can go from there is up,
Do it because there's always hope, and that's all you need.

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