I don't like people. (66)

60 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-02 02:04 ID:AjAsIOiS

Wow, that No bullshit dude is seriously broken. You felt like replying to three monthes of thread? Tsss, seriously.

I'm >>11, by the way, and I'll answer your first question: educated in general. I learn things, and that's it. I love learning things.

You say you value raw intellect more than the rest? I half-agree with you. Because having raw intellect power and no culture or education is like having a great metabolism and no muscle/technique. Raw intellect power (be it logical, analytical or whatever) is useless until you train it, and until you equip it with tools. Tools as in developing your 'worldmap' by adding 'universal knowledge' to your basic mind.

This is why other people might be interesting, even if they are stupid and you don't agree with them and they just plainly suck. Because by interacting you have a way to measure your tools, and to discover new ways of thought to explore, even if it is with the goal of dismissing them.

Also, you say you are happy (if I was to go into barroom psychology I'd say you say it quite a lot and smirk, but I'm not like that), and well, why not. If you have your thing and it works. But as I see it, you're quite closed in your own world, and I'm really not sure you have the whole spectrum of happiness (okay, noone really does) because you basically seclude yourself from the means to obtain some of it.

If I was to do an approximative comparison, I'd say it's a bit like laserlight vs. natural light. See what I mean?

Also - even if you don't - you know what I hope? That someone, something, outside in this world happens to you and in one split second makes you realize you were wrong. Maybe not on all the line, but enough to instill doubt, curiosity and questionment in your life again.

Because, dude, you sound like a fucking religious zealot. Chill out, seriously.

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