Emotions (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-17 10:56 ID:QXpwNxvw

I have a difficult time dealing with my (depressed) emotions. I tend to dislike them.

I've learned that sometimes even crying has been good for a situation, as it is actually natural, but I still always feel a bit dispicable when I feel I may be near tears.

I have to keep telling myself that other people have emotional extremes as well and that it is normal to react emotionally in a situation.

I don't cry outright, it takes a few days; perhaps after an event or topic has snowballed into something larger, and then I feel as if I shouldn't be crying, that I should be searching for a logical answer and not wasting time.

Then I go about wasting time feeling annoyed with myself, instead of responding to the original issue.
Is this some sort of deranged perfectionism? A mental obstacle?
Does anyone else feel anything similar? Does anyone know why they do this?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-04 03:37 ID:biwDBtNq

I have a similar issue. Unfortunately I have nothing to offer.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-04 03:42 ID:s/HKCS/S


>Does anyone know why they do this?

Western emphasis on the immature and unreliable nature of emotions, in comparison to sound and perfect reasoning? Even though such ideas are false.

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