Welcome to Real Life (43)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-08 06:05 ID:5YnIIiIC


Hah! Amazing as it sounds, I actually agree with the da PG king. Jesus fucking Christ! Look outside! The rains of blood! IT BEGINS!

You've got a job, OP. Start small; say hi to people. You don't have to say much, so just start small and say hello to people you see every day at work.

You don't need to impress them with knowledge or wit or whatever. You just have to listen, and when they ask you questions, reply back, and then follow up with another question.

Be ready for rejection, whatever it is; if what you say is right, you're gonna freak the shit out of a few people at first. But you know, you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Start small, baby steps. And then, you know, move up from there.

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