Welcome to Real Life (43)

36 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-23 11:54 ID:SkORg1Lw

Talk to older people. I have the problem of finding it very difficult to talk to people my age most of the time nowadays (I didn't used to have a problem with this...) but I was saved by still having teachers to talk to. Now that they're gone... I have to practise with my family. I usually hate going out with them but now I attend their family dinner things a little bit here and there (only if it's a small no. of people)

Thankfully I look a lot older than my age (18) so when I'm outside I actually have 30-something-year-olds sometimes talking to me about things. I actually relish these very much, because as luck has it it's only interesting people 'round here who actually talk to you. And I would so like to talk to more older folks about, say, anime or the environment or abandoned/strange places around the area and stuff...

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