Welcome to Real Life (43)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-21 19:29 ID:IBKBF+ly

I'm going to add to the suggestions to start off online. I'm in a similar situation, down to finding a lot to identify with in WttNHK and being anchored in society only by college and a job. All my friends went to a different college or no college at all. It took me until Sophomore year of high school to meet people so well-fit to my personality, and I got so used to hanging out with them that I kind of forgot how to talk with regular people. I went to smoke some weed (after college started) with some kids I knew since middle school, and was familiar with the types of conversations they'd have, but forgot how to properly participate. I think I'd become too honest with my other friends.

Anyway, I participated a small amount in some PC hardware and music boards, but it wasn't until I found the chan boards a little later in my freshman year of college that I could feel comofertable talking. Take advantage of the anonymity! It took me months before I actually posted anything, expecting to get shot down pretty quick. But, surprise(!), people are actually pretty helpful and nice in a majority of my questions and I'll occasionally get lulz where I didn't even think I was being so funny. If you're not a dick, what you have to say has a good chance of being responded to in some meaningful way.

About not really caring, I find myself feeling the same way much of the time. I've looked into a lot of religion, and can't really believe anything other than God as consciousness, and even there I feel like I'd be forcing it to call myself religious (after all, if it's something we feel is true, should we call it religion or real life?). I've just found stuff like music, where there's always something new coming out or something old I hadn't found yet. It's not common, but I'll find a really, really good song or album often enough to anchor me to life - even if it's only once a week or month, feeling so excited for just a few hours about there still being something for me makes me kinda want to live. You just gotta find what that thing is for you and, like other posters said, try to find others with similar interests. It's not the same as making love to a girl you really like, but recommending or trading DVDs, comics, or whatever with others can be rewarding.

Good luck, dude.

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