Is there anything I can do? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-24 13:58 ID:xB3Z9HVX

I guess this is a rather trivial thing to bother everyone about, but it's really bothering me lately.
I live with my mother... for various reasons, it will be at least a few months until I can move out, and in the meantime, i'm having a difficult time trying to live with her thanks to this problem.
Whenever she comes home from work, or anywhere else, or any trivial minor thing happens, she wants to talk about it. She always takes an unusualy long time to get to the point, and harps on about particularly boring things. I always listen, and avoid interrupting. It gets a bit painful, because it's always her just talking at me, rather than to me. I don't usualy talk to her about anything unless it's something important, or it's something that the average person would probably find at least relatively interesting. And when I talk, she doesn't listen, and she interrupts me constantly, and repeatedly. She'll start doing something, or wander off, or start talking about something else while i'm still speaking. After I go through all that bother of listening to her crap, why can't she even listen politely when it's something important? I've brought this issue up several times, and she's acknowledged that she does it, and shouldn't, and that it's rude, but she doesn't ever change her behaviour for more than a day or so.
Is there any way at all I can avoid being stuck with this for the next few months or so?

2 Name: da PG king : 2008-02-24 14:29 ID:Nhjvy2UC

Yeah, next she speaking, and you dont give a fuck, then walk out of the room, or do what you where doing before her.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-24 15:34 ID:ZwpFJ1nB

Next time she walks away while you're talking, go up to her and warn her that you'll do the same the next time she's talking.
And when she begins to talk, do exactly what you promised. She might acknowledge what she does, but she might not know exactly how it feels.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-25 14:03 ID:Rig7hT0I

Mothers do this. Get out of the house. Stand out front if you have to. Women talk to others to think to themselves.

The same topic can go from one POV to another and back and forth at least 50 times in three days.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-26 12:17 ID:piANI1pf

Grrrr.... i am a woman! I never, ever talk to others to think to myself. It seems to me that only um, simpler women do that.
How would standing in front of my house help the situation? I should just leave the house whenever she starts talking, or doesn't listen, or something?

>>2 and >>3
Thanks, I'll try that.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 09:09 ID:ewDLr1W4

>>4 My mom does that, talk out loud and then answer her own questions. She tells me my uncle did that when they were growing up, not realising she's picked up the habit.

>>5 Just don't stick around listening to your mother. If you've told her over and over and it doesn't do anything, just make yourself unavailable. Try it a few times, then go face her and ask that she not go on and on, and that she listen when you talk.

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