Mute/Loss of friend(s) (28)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-10 06:35 ID:hEJFjjQi

OP here.

>>9 I do talk quite a lot in real life however this is only within the house, but when we have guest at my house I just go to my room and pump the music as loud as possible to pretend I don't notice anyone there. But if I know them I occasionally come out to say hello. But when I am out (which is something I rarely do) I do have some difficulty talking if there is something wrong I probably won't say anything to avoid making a scene.

A few days ago, in an attempt to make myself look different and boost my confidence. I went and got a hair cut, not at those ordinary but at one of those fancy ones. I even had it dyed, while it was being dyed the thing they had over my head was incredibly hot, I didn't want to say anything but I said to myself if it got any hotter (which it did) I'd get up and say something but in the end I didn't. So I guess you could say I'm those guys who get taken advantage of easily. Except if I'm familiar with the person I will speak up and tell them to stfu if I don't like it.

I'm not trying to make excuses to make myself sound like less of an ass hole to you but I did make (weak) attempts to keep the friendship going but like I've said she doesn't seem very interested when we talk I've come to this conclusion because I've noticed the intervals between replies via MSN/Skype and they are quite long. Sometimes she takes 4 or so minutes to reply. I don't think it's just her, most of the people I talk to via MSN take quite a long time to reply, though there is an exception for some people who reply almost instantly. Is it because I'm too impatient?

How long are the intervals between replies when talking to people on MSN?

I'd also like to add I haven't been to my real (high school) school in a long time, but I take classes at a community college at first I didn't want to go but I got dragged into it by a friend and decided to continue taking the course. It's a japanese course we sometimes speak to eachother to practise and I'm somewhat confident but that's only because I'm reading off a sheet/replying to questions that are read off a sheet of paper. And I'd like to thank you all and apologise for not returning right away to see the post. I didn't expect anyone to reply.

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