Where to head from now? (8)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-09 02:21 ID:krDE3GCn

This is how i would do it..

-get a bank acocunt.
-research what services are available to you in your local area.
EG employment agencies, free budget services etc etc.
-make a CV, do try to highlight your good points,get someone to help you if you can't figure it out yourself.
-join an employment agency or go out and get application forms for whatever job's are around.
-graciously offer to pay what board you can to your parent/s. -avoid spending money on things you don't need.
-save as much money as you can.
-start looking for a place to live once you have built up some savings.
-last of all, look into more education or training, even if college isn't for you, something around might be.

This is coming from someone who has been in your position, so it can be done.

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