I need people to talk to (38)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 00:47 ID:MmGBvBk+

I'm a 15 year old boy from east London, and I think my life is pretty fucked.
Not fucked in the short term, but in the long term it is most definetly fucked.
I just did a line of K off my desk,m so it should help me type better. I just need to let go, but I have nobody I can talk to. All my friends in real life know me as somebody I'm not, and I find it hard to talk to people about my feelings.
I'm not going to write too much if nobody is even here, so firstly:
Is anybody listening?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 01:38 ID:3E8CNzPC

yeah, I'm listening, continue if you want.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 01:40 ID:3E8CNzPC

go ahead man...let it all out. what's going on?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 09:11 ID:tuAlPCMI

I'll listen to whatever it is you want to say.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 10:49 ID:x3S2MsFd

I'm also fucked but I have a friend who occasionally comes online and we talk. It's not much but it helps.

Even if it's an online buddy you'll never meet. Having someone to talk to is somewhat comforting.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 11:43 ID:Heaven

Tell me more about the K. Did you make it to the hole? How much does the stuff cost these days? (Not like the answer will be relevant at all, me being in another country and all.)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 14:54 ID:qXg/pU+m

OP could post their AIM or MSN if they really want people to talk to them.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 16:26 ID:4iB+giF+

Can someone tell me what this 'K' OP talking about?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 17:30 ID:qXg/pU+m


Ketamine most likely.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 20:04 ID:OER9maWu

Listening. That's 8 different ID's, I think. So go on.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 20:38 ID:GoquCgVq

na na

na na na na

katamari damashii

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 21:33 ID:tuAlPCMI

Are you okay still?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-19 02:32 ID:/MWGx1Cq

I'll listen too! Like >>7 said, you could post your screen name and lots of us would be happy to talk to you over that.
Or, if you don't feel comfortable with that, just vent in here.
There are people listening.

14 Name: nobody : 2008-05-19 03:40 ID:R52aEyxe

>>9 not cocaine?

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-19 07:43 ID:F/jWn4yU


K is cheaper, and since you can order it online (Via 'certain' websites') Probably more pure.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-19 09:35 ID:4iB+giF+

15 and doing drugs. Kids these days are just way too fast to grow up. When I was that age all I can do just weed ;_;

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-19 12:29 ID:Knbz1ldQ


What alternate universe have you been living in? High school kids (including 15-year-olds) have been doing hard drugs for decades. They certainly were in the mid-90s, when I was in high school.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-19 13:39 ID:s4hsoyhF

I don't. I'm the fun-police.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 02:54 ID:VvRRMKP9


I smoked a joint for the first time in college, when I was 18. That's all I've done... I knew people smoked weed in High school, but I really wasn't aware that anyone did hard drugs except for maybe some Bosniaks we had at school.

I thought kids at most just huffed fumes or something.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 03:22 ID:YGTgMUqz

kids in school brag about weed like its cool. most other drugs get you labeled a druggie though, so you never hear anyone say they did a line of coke. at worst, someone might say they did acid.
i myself lied and said i smoked in highschool when i didn't. never actually did until i was 18 or so and out of school

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 03:37 ID:Heaven

I don't think he's alive anymore.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 03:49 ID:gJxt317a

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 05:23 ID:Heaven

LSD's not that bad, one of the better drugs you can do IMO.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 12:43 ID:Knbz1ldQ


>>most other drugs get you labeled a druggie though, so you never hear anyone say they did a line of coke.

This is the truth of the matter, in my experience. You only find out about people's usage of hard drugs if you're close to them -- it's never something you brag about. Everyone does mild halluginogens like marijuana and mushrooms, and they're considered socially acceptable in high school, so those are what you hear about.

Cocaine, heroin, etc. you only find out about if you attend the right (or perhaps wrong) sort of parties.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 13:06 ID:4iB+giF+

>>22 Socializing = serious business.

I gave at number nine

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 14:17 ID:0IkoAQ8c

How does this magical "K" help with typing?

27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 15:11 ID:Qs3pkfcl

I've never done drugs in my life and I don't think anyone in my school does but a few often brag but I don't think any of them have seen drugs outside the movies. Am I just a complete loser?

If I were ever to stumble apon LSD. I would be hard pressed to refuse it. Unfortunately I don't know those sort of people, or any people for that matter. So I don't think I'll ever get high in my life.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 15:30 ID:Knbz1ldQ


>>I've never done drugs in my life and I don't think anyone in my school does but a few often brag but I don't think any of them have seen drugs outside the movies. Am I just a complete loser?

No, you're probably just in the dark. Most students are (and were, when I was in high school).

There's an underground in every environment. You don't hear about it, because it wouldn't be in its own best interest to advertise itself. If all the students know about hard drugs at the school, it's guaranteed that the police are similarly informed.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-20 22:20 ID:gb3Mxos9

In my school the underground was pretty close to the surface, but that's because it was a small school. Everybody knew everybody.

If I ever wanted weed or mushrooms, I knew which people sold it. Some of the harder drugs would have been a matter of asking. Cocaine and LSD for sure. Heroine, maybe not.

In a large school I can see how this would sail a lot of people by. There's too many people to know, so you'd need to hang out with the right group.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-21 06:37 ID:tuAlPCMI

Are you there, OP?

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-21 12:39 ID:c9CpUxQ4

To be honest, if you're in high school and know somebody who can get you weed then they can get you harder drugs. That doesn't mean they do them, but they could speak to their weed dealer, who usually knows dealers of harder drugs (if s/he doesn't also deal harder stuff themselves). I don't think high schoolers take advantage of this situation though - they are happy to stick to weed and mushrooms, possibly LSD although most won't have done that.

I'm in the UK and when I was at school it was just drinking, weed and rarely mushrooms but none of that was frowned upon. If somebody was a coke head or popping pills then they would've been labelled a junky, so I think that just stopped people from trying it anyway (well coke was a bit more allowable, but only because its expensive so it had a rich status association - pills were seen as instant-death kinda risk). When we all went to university, so many of my friends came back on holidays having done exstacy, cocaine and ketamine and suddenly the taboo was broken. Now we talk about it relatively openly, but there are some people who brag about the drugs they've done thinking it's some kind of badge of pride. Also, it becomes easier to spot people on drugs when you've been in that situation - for example looking at photos on facebook you can often tell when somebody is on exstacy (big eyes, gurning, holding a bottle of water etc) whereas before when we just drank we would never have even thought of that.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-22 09:00 ID:qSn0EAbG

Spoiler: OP killed himself.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-22 09:41 ID:zkoTDQaN

I have honestly never seen an illegal substance in my entire life outside of the movies. I think I need to lurk moar but how does one go around asking for drugs?

I'm from Sydney, Australia and I've heard of a few drug bust so that might slow down or stop circulation of drugs but I'm really curious and want to try some of the shit I'm missing out on (specifically LSD).

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-22 11:04 ID:c9CpUxQ4

Well to be honest it can be as easy as looking for somebody who looks like they might do drugs (stereotypical skaters, hippies etc.) and just ask them "hey, do you know where I can buy some weed?". If its a yes, then thats cool you can even ask that person for advice on buying because you haven't bought before (also check on the internet so you have a rough idea for prices/amounts), if they say no then thats fine. There'll be the very rare anti-drug person who will act like you just fucked their mother when you ask them that, but don't take it to heart, just explain you want to try it just once.

To be honest, trying something like LSD will be tricky because true LSD isn't easy to get hold of (the chemicals used to make it are strictly controlled), but there are equivalents that are sold as LSD. I haven't tried that myself yet. Something like coka will be easy to get hold of, but expensive and not really worth it unless you are ultra rich. But still, not worth it. Exstacy would be fairly easy to get hold of - try and find friends who are into electronic music, raves etc. Or you can always go to a rave or dance club yourself, there'll be people in there going round asking if you want to buy or you can just wander around and ask people if they have anything to sell. Prices in these situations will be very high though, and there is a chance the person rips you off knowing full well there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically just ask around, starting with friends (but generally not ones who are ultra anti-drugs or are likely to mouth off about it to everybody). erowid.org has quite a lot of information about what particular drugs do, what they look like etc, and there are various *chan /drug/ boards for further advice. Just be sure to research *chan answers so you know its not a troll messing you around telling you to take a billion pills or whatever.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-26 07:33 ID:Y6zdfCLX

Shit brother you sound exactly like me, id be happy to talk with you about stuff.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-26 12:40 ID:HFSL7liJ

I always did mail-order RCs, much like Satou-san. AMT was my favourite. Shame it's so hard to find now.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-26 15:08 ID:MmGBvBk+

OP here.
Sorry I didn't respond, I crashed and burned just as you guys started to post.
But thank you all for taking an interest, meerly the fact that you have bothered to post makes me happy.
I have sorted everything out now, though.
I was going through a really bad stage, but then I realised how great my real friends were.
The K was great, by the way.

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-26 17:21 ID:Y6zdfCLX

Yeah, anon is always here for you

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