Fixing the problem of my youth (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-24 02:13 ID:86k2P2Rm

Hey guys, I have a straightfoward question:

I fucked up about 2~3 years ago with banking, overdrafted with a new account. I've been blacklisted on the "Chex System" ever since. (cant open any new bank accounts anywhere) But now I'm trying to fix all the problems I've had, was wondering if anyone have any experience on how to fix this. I called Bank of America several times before (the bank i had the problem with) but they were being douches and told me to send them written mail via Postal.

thanks in advance.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-24 02:19 ID:YhqY1rKX

Did you send them written mail via Postal?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-24 03:26 ID:86k2P2Rm

from the phone calls, they pretty much hinted that it's not their problem anymore, take it up with Chex Systems or something.
and the Chex website doesnt say much cept "lol, ur fucked, wait 5 years"

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-24 12:39 ID:0phAnY4k

Well write to them anyway to be sure.

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