I think I have some problems. (18)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-31 02:34 ID:yoAeqEdw

I used to face my computer for at least 18 hours a day and I barely even eat and sleep. I am also not taking baths (that even now I don't sometimes, maybe it became a habit). I tremble whenever I go out of my room, I avoid interacting with other people but I don't have a hard time being with them, I guess I don't think in the norms that people find me weird when I conversate with them. I always get "you don't let anyone enter in your world" or something. So to save myself from getting the same line over and over again, and to save myself from the boredom caused when I interact with other people, I isolate myself in my room. I don't hate people, I just want to enjoy the time that I have with myself. I have many friends (and non-friends) that even if they think that i'm an alien, would love to go out with me. Sooooooo... Beside from my 8 hour day job, I go home, face my laptop, relax, and enjoy the rest of my day.

Maybe i'll go out when I find someone like me, someone that will interest me and not bore me to death.

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