I think I have some problems. (18)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-29 12:49 ID:4on68AdI

First, I must take a moment to commend you with the highest regard for not referring to yourself as a "hikkomori", "hikki", or any similar trendy and glamorized bull$hit... A hermit's a simple and adequate description, even though it may not be the one you desire!

Some items to consider bulletpoints:

  1. Do you have an education? Not sure how old you are, but High School or College educations are required for many jobs, and even if you don't have the college education, you will likely still need a High School education to get anything but a very low class job;
  2. Do you have any at all kind of job, even if work for your family member? Without a job, people often feel worthless, as it's the work we do and benefits to our society that contribute a great deal, to our sense of worth and self-value; Even people who don't have to work, such as winning a lottery, often keep their jobs, simply to contribute constructively with their time;
  3. You say you "barely go out"... Why? Isn't there nothing you can do outside? Take a walk while listening to mp3s, read a good fantasy or sci-fi book in a park or under a tree? Fall asleep somewhere on a bench in the sun? (Not sure what kind of environment you live in, either)... There are many constructive things you could be doing outside, are you adverse to them, and why?
  4. Do you know noone else in the area? No friends? Even online, oftentimes on forums and such, people will post where they're from, and meetup in real life to just hang out or whatnot; This could be a successful way to meet other people and make connections, perhaps even someone who knows where you can get a job;
  5. You say you spend more than 10 hours a day on your laptop; What are you doing? What is it that occupies that much time? Playing PC games? Watching shows or anime? ...Even, I daresay , fapping? There's nothing wrong with any of those activities, but do you have no other interests at all?? Have you ever searched for employment in your area online, which is a productive thing to do?

Ultimately, you're hardly worthless, you just need to do productive things to occupy your time, likely, in your case, finding a regular job, which will take up that mass of excess time and give you something of value in your life;

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