isolation (15)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-20 16:46 ID:3BRTJPJg

>>9 Eeuhm, i do have to go each month to PROOF i looked for jobs. I lie all the time, seriously..but eventually i'm gonna slip up and i guess they will suspend me but right now i'm enjoying the ride..because i know when i go to work, ALL that i love to do will be crushed with anxiety&stress. Like anime,reading comics,tv..after work i always am too tired,stressed out. Weekends? PLEASE..that's not enough! If i can fool the system for a while, i freaking will! I'm not delusioned into thinking money will bring me happiness,cuz i hardly buy something (besides internet which provides me with all the good i want..FREE).

Yes, call me a leech,a parasite..i don't care! We live once, and i don't want to spend it all my life working for the fat cats and into thinking i will get to be 70 (i'll already be dead).

Now, i'm sick of tired of people saying :"get a job" like they want to share the suffering (not happiness that's for sure)


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