I lost my religion........ (55)

1 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-14 03:38 ID:Heaven

Alright, the thread title tells everything....so I hope there will be NO religious sickos out who came to this thread and started their useless dogmas!


Ok, the story goes like this. I was once being rise up in a strictly religious family who who was, in fact far from practicing their beliefs.being send to a religious school once, I keep my beliefs alone while helplessly persuading my parent to worship god as they used to be in their early days......

It didn't happen anyway. They prefer to just eat, sleep, go to work, starts the useless gossiping and rises me like a pet. I feel so betrayed, considering that it was them that teaches me about morality, the existence of god and blablabla....

I just hates when they starts bashing some peoples inferior to them, questioning their manners while they in fact is far more worser than them! What type of god who tells you that you are the chosen, not the heathens who eventually go to hell?? All people can good deed in their life, regardless their race, their religion, their country and so on but......IS THIS THE UNIVERSALITY THAT GOD SAYS SO???

Then came to the time when I was enrolled in a college. Having no friends (being a hikki for too long thats why!) and being as some sort of nerd I was easily being bullied off. Until one day, I met a very nice person. A girl to which I was fell in love to.
We I was once thought she was a Catholic until I found out she also living in a mess far more severe than me.

Her father was a pedophile, who rapes his own daughter and shockingly "her sister!" (who evently become her mom of course!). I just can't imagined how can she living in such matter.She was also only had few friends.

We dating many times. Her loneliness and her past turns me into a protective person who eventually began to hate those money hogging businessman! (her father is a dirty rich guy who manages a shipping company). Our love gets stronger and stronger until I found out she had a chronic lug complication and she never told me. I knew it in a hard way, during our college's sports day.

She died horribly. I didn't even expect that my last call to her is actually my last chance to hear her voice. A car rammed her while we had a great conversation-to get married.

Once again, after my parents knew this they blamed for loving a person whom I shouldn't be. I pissed off. Their racism speaks louder than their religious duties. Later, they asked me whether or not I can get work and give them money, again MONEY!!!! A word that ruins my one and only lover's life!

So, I need guidance. I recently began to accept atheist views but I still not clear of everything yet. I have lots of questions to ask. How atheist buried when they die? How they get married? How do you guys life without fear of the existence of HIM?? (call me an agnostic if you want to). Please, help me as I just hated to be a fool who was waiting for a messiah who is never shows up! Hope you guys are not racist as well. I am not Caucasian and a native English speaker so please....

Thinking this with my fragile life makes mad.....truly..

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 04:20 ID:mI0YHdb1

you sound like a chump, >>1-san

3 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-14 04:49 ID:Heaven

Is this for real?

4 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-14 11:07 ID:Heaven

yes of course =.=

I forgot to say that I am not American. Posting this from an Asian country.

5 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-14 11:13 ID:Heaven

well....u got any ideas for not being a chump instead?? Heh....

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 14:07 ID:UAf6MIoU

There are no rituals for those who don't believe in God (i hate using the word atheisme/atheist,...). Fear that he exists? He does not, he was created to dumb down the creation of the universe and life itself..same like saying what's that sound in the kitchen!?..it's a ghost!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 15:41 ID:y/NACu6n

Which Asian country? I'm guessing the Phillipines? Perceptions of atheism/Christianity tend to differ a lot from country to country so to give good advice it's important to know where you live exactly.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 16:49 ID:OZzMeHv9


let His Noodly Appendage reach out to you and show you the light

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 18:12 ID:vUYXF1m3


Sometimes some people's lives just suck monkey balls and your sounds that way. I had a similiar start. Parent who did not give two fucks about me, money being the most important thing in people's lives, and where is this thing called god to help you out from time to time (and fails to deliver).

All I can say is there is no god and all religion is false and an invention of man to control the weak minded sheep.

It is tragic what happened to your girlfriend, but keep going is all you can do. That is what I did. Life is still not all great and my wife and I are still having problems. All we all can do is keep going.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 01:12 ID:5jh6DR2l

You've lost your religion? Exactly what kind of religion is that?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 02:01 ID:Heaven

What, are you french?

12 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-15 13:59 ID:Heaven

Thanx guys....for clearing up the points that I do want to know....

Well you are right...but...I choose not to tell where I came from and what religion I was holding on. You see....it would be better if I can get unbiased opinions from here as some people might have inferiority towards religion and (most commonly race).

thats one cool pic u got there, although I might choose unicorn instead (or maybe.....none :P).

U having a fight with your wife???

To clarify the things here, the feeling of fear of god I get is from the stories, statements that I hear from religious officials, my frens, books and..many others (regarding afterlife). Sometimes I think, "Hey, so there is afterlife huh? So...we life in this state of world as a god's test huh? But....practically we are living in THIS STATE of the world, we are tested for what? For entering heaven? For what the purpose of heaven??? Like some sort of a living hotel of world??? I can't see the mechanics in there."

About my girlfriend, well....it still sticks in my head and I really miss her voice and tenderness...

13 Name: UnicornMode!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2008-07-15 14:07 ID:Heaven

But obviously I am not coming from Philippines......

Ok, I give u a clue...."Some country near it"

Hope you guys don't post your assumptions of my origin in this thread. I want it in that way....

Actually it is my way to evade peoples hatred towards certain community ......nothing else...

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 15:28 ID:2eWguCVP

you've all had it pretty rought, kids in Sudan should look up to you and learn from the difficult experiences you've struggled overcome.

15 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-15 17:34 ID:Heaven

That would be hard considering about their skin color. People tend to watch their appearances and although they do the same, racism speaks louder than rationality. In the end they ended up trapped in their community in miserable way....

but this was only my opinion anyway...

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-16 21:19 ID:7ecPjWEh


17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-17 02:47 ID:QHxihOTT

Theist here. Im sure Im not a sicko, but doesnt it seem a little biased to allow ONLY atheist opinions?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-17 03:11 ID:7ecPjWEh

well not because the thread says so I believe....

19 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-17 03:15 ID:Heaven


20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-17 05:12 ID:QHxihOTT


Fair enough, all I can say is, please dont blindly read a Richard Dawkins book and take all its ant-theology to heart. Question it like any other system of belief. The questions of >How atheist buried when they die? How they get married? should be secondary questions to "Is there any warrent to what atheism has to offer?"

21 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-17 21:02 ID:Heaven

A system without believing some sort of afterlife will be promising anything as the world is.......

22 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-17 21:03 ID:Heaven

A system without believing some sort of afterlife will be not promising anything as the world is.......


23 Name: : 2008-07-17 21:03 ID:WGNpKGwt


24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-18 04:41 ID:TyduQzeo

Waa, waa.

25 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-18 11:24 ID:Heaven

WTF was tat????

26 Name: Setsuna : 2008-07-19 00:40 ID:WGNpKGwt

>Ok, I give u a clue...."Some country near it"


27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-19 06:20 ID:QgrBx44o

Is this from some sorta book?

28 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-19 06:37 ID:Heaven

No at all......wat book is that?? Care to tell??

29 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-19 06:39 ID:Heaven

It's kinda surprise to know that my life is similar to a book.

30 Name: Satan : 2008-07-19 10:04 ID:KqhsO5WO


31 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-19 14:10 ID:Heaven

and I still wondering wat book u are referring to? My life haven't being documentation and it's none of commercial value. I make thread for answers not to put your stupid comments in here...

Hello Satan, how's hell? :P

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-19 14:53 ID:0+4SolLS

Just do whatever you want.
Get married however you want, be buried wherever you want. The absence of a religion means there aren't any rules you really have to follow.

33 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-19 14:57 ID:Heaven

i see....

34 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-19 17:32 ID:vlByXgbx

Hey, sell your life's story to hollywood. Heh.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-19 21:20 ID:Heaven

It really would help if you told us where you are and what religion this is exactly.

36 Name: UnicornMode!Io.7k0wmEY : 2008-07-20 00:03 ID:Heaven

orly?? forget about it!

I was really scared to tell you about that.

Btw....thanks for those who helping me in....I truly appreciate it...

37 Name: UnicornMode!Io.7k0wmEY : 2008-07-20 00:06 ID:Heaven

refer to >>13

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 08:00 ID:QE6rjIrP

"How atheist buried when they die?" --> like anybody else; your manner of burial is entirely predicated upon your wishes.
"How they get married?" --> I assume you mean ceremonially, in which case, I would suggest a non-denominational ceremony.
"How do you guys life without fear of the existence of HIM??" --> It's just something that comes naturally to atheists; we shrug off the chains of religious dogmatism and (within the parameters of legality) do whatever we damn well please-- and enjoy much more fulfilling lives as a result.

Fuck gods. You don't need them.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 09:29 ID:0+4SolLS

nobody cares where you're from. Thanks for assuming we're all racists.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 14:21 ID:Heaven

Retrace your steps. Sometimes I lose things on the way to the subway or something. Sometimes it's lost forever and sometimes I find it again. shrug

41 Name: been there : 2008-08-03 21:00 ID:3krXOsBW

>>38 To be frank there's far too much fighting between atheists and theists. If you're going to join us in not believing in god, there's no need to start thinking that religion is the spawn of evil and can only cause misery or some such nonsense all of my atheist friends like to spew constantly. Religion/belief is just a force, and can be either good or bad. For example, crusades vs Mother Theresa. So just be careful, its very easy to move away from looking down on people from the pedestal of your religion to looking down on people because they have religion.

And for your original issues...You can be buried however you want. Personally I don't care what happens to my body after I die, and I'm planning to get fed to wild animals somewhere, if I can manage it.But If you're more conventional its no issue to get buried like everyone else. Never been married, so I wouldn't know, but I'm sure non-denominational would work, if you needed a ceremony.

As for the big question how to life without fear...Well look at it this way. Lets say that one religion is right, and everyone else is screwed. How do you know which one? It would really be a crapshoot, so just don't decide. Personally I doubt that any god would be so stupid as to just cut people out of heaven on a religious line. So just live your life as best you can, and if you do, then whether there is or isn't a god, you'll be as set as you can be.

Hope you're life turns for the better man.

42 Name: moral relative : 2008-08-04 14:51 ID:NggdLgV/

maybe this would help... Religion is supposed to enhance your life, it is not to bring you down, make you suffer or any of the like. I left Christianity years ago when I was 19 because I found it to be too critical and too stifling. You can join any religion you want, just find something that makes you feel good about yourself and makes you want to be a better person.

43 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-10 05:43 ID:ZvGJYKnQ

religion loss.. can be good for the soul. find something to take its place if u need to... but really freinds family, and good times... all u need

44 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-10 19:28 ID:Heaven


45 Name: Lichking84 : 2008-08-27 11:26 ID:wDxFWJQy

Hi all,
I'm a catholic and I also lost my belief in my religion. Especially when mum's friends successfully converted her and my sister into Christian. Well, to me, that wasn't really the main reason I lost my belief. My dad is an atheist and he told me a story once in regard to people donating to church. He told me that he'd rather donate the money to school than to church. Why? because the money would be better spent on educating kids than being used by some scumbag priests and those associated with them to enrich themselves. This happens a lot especially in Asian countries and probably in western countries too.

Another reason is, with the war on terror, it sounds really silly when they kept saying they kill in the name of GOD. Then I came to conclusion that there is no GOD. The story of GOD was only created by people in the past. Cleverly being used by group of people to control society.

Life sucks, I admit that. I do have personal dilemma that I'm facing right now. But I will never ask or depend on GOD for strength. I will just face it and do something about it. So to the OP, I'm sorry to hear the one you loved died horribly in an accident, but don't make yourself in a bad situation. Try to live to the fullest. Ignore those who try to make you live in depression. Find and pursue your own happiness. You'll be fine.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-27 12:03 ID:Heaven

Pissed off denizens of an incredibly pointless discussion, meet Mary Jane. Mary Jane, meet your new clients.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-27 19:05 ID:75qcYuGF

Mary Jane is my shrink.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-28 19:03 ID:tXPzP4nf

Why Mary Jane??

49 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-29 03:30 ID:75qcYuGF

Because she'll help greatly in your metaphysics introspection. Or will be a nice enough distraction that you won't remember to think about it.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-29 13:42 ID:tXPzP4nf

Sounds like sarcasm to me

51 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-29 16:01 ID:75qcYuGF

Actually, it wasn't. Not really.

52 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-31 09:38 ID:K9mAkqEg


53 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-31 09:52 ID:7OpOVAk1

I don't know if the OP still reads this board, but my suggestion is to actually see a priest or a religious leader from your religion (a theologically correct priest-one that came from a well-known seminary would be best) and ask for guidance from them.
There's only so much an anonymous board can do for you, you know?

54 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-31 13:12 ID:vUL61W0K

Well, you should try to consult with her sometimes. Maybe you'll understand then.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-18 17:38 ID:DPXl8UDe

obviously, to me, he is not from the Philippines
those brown people are too much concerned with the grammar

anyway, ill ask you, is leaving your religion make your life more living?

What is your life without a God? What is your life with a God?
I had the same feeling before.

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