How important IS the future?[Revenge] (23)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 01:31 ID:Heaven

Revenge is not justified. You can talk about how your friend should have been loyal to you all that you want, but he has just as much right to go out with her as you do. BUT WAIT! BROS BEFORE HOES, MAN! No, real life doesn't work that way. You can't always get want you want. Shit sucks, but you can't change it. He obviously wasn't a very good friend either. If you dislike him so much then ditch him.

Liking her gives you no rights over her. If he likes her and she likes him back then they should be allowed to date regardless of your immature friendship laws. If YOU had any decency you would accept the fact that she is probably better of with him and be happy for their relationship. BUT WAIT! You want revenge on him.

What are you going to do? You couldn't even talk to a female so I doubt that you're going to exact any type of revenge on him. Why even come here? I suggest that you grow up. You act like you're fucking 15.

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