Lonely At School (29)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-21 00:45 ID:yExk4MCV

>>12, >>13, >>14
I was going to type out a "Okay! I'll do my best!" kind of response, but halfway through I just couldn't.
I understand what you all are saying and I really want to do it, but I'm starting to think that maybe I can't change into a gregarious person.
I might just be in a slump right now (I came home for the weekend and even now I'm by myself while my friends are out together...), and I'm so aggravated with myself because I hate it when I see these type of "Wahhh, I can't, I can't!" responses to good advice, but striking up a conversation, leaving my door open, approaching a new person at a club meeting... I just... don't think I can do it. I really want to be able to, I really do, but even if I lie to you guys and say: "Okay! Starting Monday I'll do it!", I know that when my class starts I'll still be in the back with my head down, wishing to God that I had someone to talk to.
I know no one can help me act out your advice, and I know I have to do it myself, but... Can a person like this really change?

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