Lonely At School (29)

27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-25 19:41 ID:IkHxkv+L

OP again!
>>23, >>24, >>26
Thank you, guys! :3 I'm trying to do little things every day, so it's slow going, but maybe it's getting a little better...!
I know I'll eventually have to give in to going somewhere really crowded, but... at this point, I couldn't handle it. I went to one "welcome party" at the beginning of this year and just... had to leave early because I couldn't take that many strangers at once.

Today is the first club meeting. I'm a bit nervous as to what the outcome will be, but I'm going to do my best to be as friendly as I can.
By the way, as a big accomplishment story: I told someone my name in class! He turned to me (just as someone to speak to) and we were talking about the class, and just as he was about to turn back around I quickly said: "Bythewaymynameis(anon)! What's yours?" (I ended up having to repeat myself because I spoke too fast...)
Today he turned to talk to me again, and I ended up getting his email address so I could email my notes (I use my laptop in this particular class) to him to use.
I felt better afterward. Hopefully I can do something like that at the meeting...

Thanks, everyone, for commenting. If I didn't have this thread to come back and tell this to, I wouldn't be able to do it, I think.

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