Autogynephilia (23)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-07 04:39 ID:lszhYKiR

I have recently become very gender confused. I can't say that I'm a complete stranger to the whole issue, but it is definitely much more pronounced now that I have started smoking marijuana somewhat regularly.

The best description for my deviance is Autogynephilia

The feelings are much more frequent and much more recurring recently.

I'm curious. Fortunately I'm no cat.

I'm listening to Aimee Mann, as I do during most extended bouts of confusion on this matter. I like angry chick music when I'm feeling androgynous. Fiona Apple is OK too, but just sounds too juvenile when I'm stoned.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-07 07:43 ID:Hf6Z077k

Hmm... let's see

I guess it's Greek?

Auto = self
Gyne = vagina
Philia = fondness

So what's the problem? Everyone likes to materbait

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-07 08:33 ID:MTy6al3o

I started analyzing the female mind when I was in middle school. Made it hard for me to masturbate to straight stuff. Realized I like dicks too, etc. Now I'm androgynous. Go figure.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-07 18:32 ID:Heaven

Liking dicks doesn't mean your a female stuck in a man's body. It's mean you're either gay or bisexual.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 01:45 ID:Heaven

I left it up to the reader to assume that the time between "liking dicks", "etc.", and becoming androgynous, necessary considerations were made which would qualify my shift as a legitimate one. I suppose you missed something I didn't think was that subtle.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 02:08 ID:lszhYKiR

OP here,

Simply put, I guess, I just have a very very very strong feminine side. I never really thought in terms of "being androgynous." I'm not sure how that would work out in reality, but it is certainly something that intrigues me.

My desire here goes beyond the cheapness inherent in the crossdressing culture though if that sort of cultural identification didn't exist, I might entertain the notion. But really, it just brings to mind Lady Chablis and Ru Paul and shit like that. Not very comfortable with that sort of trashiness.

I do often wish that I were just simply a female and a lesbian. It is what I think I would be most comfortable as sexually and socially.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 08:30 ID:wsm6Nqm2


>Now I'm androgynous

No, you are a man with hormone pills and a mutilated penis. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 13:34 ID:Heaven

Back to /b/.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 17:57 ID:Heaven



10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 18:52 ID:wsm6Nqm2

I'll admit that I do post on iichan's /b/ once a month,
but I don't see how that is related to this argument.

I have no problem with people having surgery and taking
pills to make themselves resemble the opposite gender,
but the fact is that they can never truly be any gender
other than the one they were born as.

It wasn't an insult, it was a correction.

Nah, I'm neutral. I just don't think people should
lie to themselves. It is impossible for a human to
be androgynous.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 20:31 ID:EeEFUb1R


> he fact is that they can never truly be any gender

other than the one they were born as.

If you ever get to be interested in what genders are from a biological perspective, you will realise that there is no such thing as an objectively defined criteria for gender (trust me, sports federations worked hard on that, and failed),... There is also no objective reason to consider that you can't modify your gender, but feel free to argument your case, it will be interesting to dissect it.


12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 22:40 ID:+B4cLHA/

>I do often wish that I were just simply a female and a lesbian. It is what I think I would be most comfortable as sexually and socially.

me too, although i don't want to transition.
being a pretty boy is bearable, at least. i'll probably take the androgynous route once i get out of high school and away from my parents.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 23:42 ID:wsm6Nqm2

Ah, kay. What I actually meant is that it is impossible to
literally change sex. But I do believe that some aspects of
gender are biological, and that these aspects cannot be

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-09 00:28 ID:Heaven

He was correcting an error that didn't exist. Back to /b/.
Back to /b/.

15 Post deleted.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-09 12:12 ID:Heaven

Played out insult is played out. I hope you don't expect people to approve of things like this in real life like you apparently do on the internet. If you do you're in for quite the disappointment.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-09 14:26 ID:Heaven

I expect people whom reply with targeted criticism on such a topic, taking the time to do so on a rather small 'special interests' forum, to have a little more intelligence. I see that I am mistaken, and thus there is no point I can make, nor even seriousness with which I can continue to press an issue that is clearly above the comprehension of those who believe they have the right to fling unstructured criticism. Thank you for disproving me. It is unproductive to waste my time in such a manner.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-09 20:31 ID:wsm6Nqm2

VIPtip: disagreeing with you does not make someone "unintelligent".

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-09 20:33 ID:wsm6Nqm2

But anyway, if you'd like to drop the insults and actually make an argument against what I said, go ahead.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-09 20:43 ID:2RAL4ymc


>But anyway, if you'd like to drop the insults and actually make an argument against what I said, go ahead.

What are both of your arguments? It's hard to follow the conversation,...

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-10 11:32 ID:wsm6Nqm2

I'm saying that inherent biological factors mean that a
person cannot be any other sex or gender than the one
that they were born as, and some people are just lying
to themselves. And the fact that someone is calling
themselves "androgynous" is even more ridiculous.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-10 14:53 ID:+wxuqxkC


The problem with your argument is that biologically there is no clear boundary between genders, and individuals are born at any point of a continuum. I guess you know that some people are born with both male and female sexual organs, for instance?

So to which gender where they biologically born, and how are they lying to themselves? Trust me, the question is really hard, and has so far eluded sports federations and others who need to clearly discriminate males from females,... For instance at some point they relied on karyotyping: checking the chromosomes of an individual to see if there was a Y chromosome, the male chromosome. Guess what, some women HAD THE Y CHROMOSOME. The problem was that their Y chromosome was malfunctioning, and because of that their body developed as completely female or somewhere between male and female, instead of becoming male as would be normal. For some of these athletes it was quite a shocking finding ^_^

And besides the purely physiological intermediates are the psychological ones, which are not directly visible but equally important. Brains of males and females also develop differently, and when there are hormonal anomalies the normal differentiation of the brain can be affected, even though the body looks normal. The result is an individual of one gender ending up with a brain of another one. Now go tell him that he's deluding himself about his gender identity...

There is no such thing as objective genders. It's an accumulation of factors that can or cannot be all there, and the end result can also be an intermediate.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-11 08:02 ID:ijahiZDZ

Well, OP here despite all the trolling.

I finally did it. I tried on my girlfriend's nightgown.

Not entirely sure how I felt about the whole experience, though I wasn't anywhere near as repulsed by it as I imagined I'd be.

Hooo boy, this is certainly NOT something I need in my life right now.

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