Some sort of survey concerning misanthropy (21)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-24 23:23 ID:/JTu/rPh

>>17 Man, you are a sorry dude, which is a pity, because you have a lot of potential. Your story is rife with blaming the others and never questioning yourself. But at the end of the day, it's pretty obvious that the biggest problem are not the others but yourself and your attitude.

Why don't you be more pragmatic and focussed? No front teeth? save for the prosthetics. At least you're not on a wheelchair, cleaning your bloodstream every week. You can function, work, etc. Sure, you probably have more trouble seducing the girl next door, but your problem has a simple solution, unlike many others.

If only you could realize that your problem is your attitude, and not the other people, or your poverty, things would be much easier for you,...

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