So I've discovered I hate women (58)

17 Name: anon : 2008-11-13 06:05 ID:W9Zi4PPL

You know what? Men aren't all that great either. I'm not one of those girls that wears the up to date fasion, I have short hair, and I can't keep track of earrings or regular rings and gave up on jewlrey a long time ago. And I have no idea on how to use make up. Guess what? Guys don't look at me because I'm not the dumb skinny blonde flirting and giggling it up.

Okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration. It's true that I don't wear make up and I cannot keep track of jewelry, so I cannot fit into how you categorize women. The difference is I don't have the difficulty with men as you do with women. I can get a date, I even have a boyfriend, but the point is that I do the same thing as you. Whenever I see a guy that I consider "hot" or extreemly attractive I think that he's not looking for personality or brains, but he'll look at me and find me not up to his standards of physical attraction. But it's not a loss for me, because he's probably dumb, parties all the time and doesn't care about things that actually matter (such as current events, global economics, modern philosophy, recent scientific advancements, etc, etc.)

Basically what you are doing is instead of recognizing your hurt feelings for getting rejected you assume girls are all the same and not worth the effort anyways. The only way you will ever get past your pettiness is by learning how to socialize and make friends with the "creatures" you despise. Once you get past the pettiness you'll be able to see that there are a lot of different girls and that girls aren't as petty or shallow as you think they are.

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