So I've discovered I hate women (58)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 01:17 ID:ju15VJxR

Dude it sounds like you are only saying this stuff because you are hurting. If girls are actually paying attention to you then you are better off than a lot of us, myself included. The fact is that ALL people are fake to varying degrees. Women in this day and age are especially pressed to fit into a roll that is extremely narrow. In addition it is easy to attract the vast majority of people if you act in a way that you think they will like. If they like who you are they will slowly show their real sides to you it’s the same with any relationship with a human being. Find the girl that seams the least fake and see what happens. Even better, go somewhere where you are likely to find intellectual people, in such a setting there is no need for all of that fakeness and you could find someone really interesting.

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