So I've discovered I hate women (58)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-19 03:04 ID:Heaven

The gay thing is actually more likely than not at all, quite a few of the misogynists I've known in the past ending up coming out months or even years later. I think it was some kind of way to rationalise their indifference towards women and their discomfort towards female advances. Whether it's because OP's gay, asexual or just has some weird sexual hangups, I don't think it's anyone's problem but his own.

This post seems to have two main issues OP's general attitude to woman and OP's misunderstanding about eye contact/flirting.

>Sometimes women would stare at me or make signals, but I hated >it[...]Honestly, the whole staring thing really unnerved me >sometimes and I didn't want to respond period.

Eye contact is simply a way for a person to indicate interest, the fact OP didn't take any initiative and the woman's interest triggered such negative emotions is especially telling. She was taking initiative while OP did not.

As for the girls not approaching him? They probably chose not to because he did not return their interest, maybe OP lacks the subtleties of non-verbal communication or maybe he indicated disinterest thus killing any chances he may have had.

generally it goes like this OP, the gender of the person does not matter but IT IS a two way street. One doesn't approach without the other's permission.
Person A, makes eyecontact with Person B. Maintain eye contact a little longer than normal
Person B looks away and looks back.
Person A or B smiles, smile is returned.
Person A or B approaches the other.
This guide might be of use to you:
SIRC(social issues research centre) Guide to Flirting.

The whole post could basically be paraphrased as

>it's their fault I don't like them. It is everyone else's >problem and not my own.

What is more likely? all women are fundamentally dislikable? or that OP is simply not interested in them or perhaps scared of them and uses his extreme and unfounded generalisations and 'hate' as a cover for it, to hide from himself and others.

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